Need Help. Where can i get Temp Sensor/sender

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by B-rad, Oct 12, 2006.

  1. B-rad

    B-rad Member

    Oct 12, 2006
    Hi i have a 1952 Chevy 3100 with a 216ci and I need the temp sensor/sender that threads into the block...electrical conversion would be nice if I can find it but Ill settle for mechanical if it doesnt exist.

    Thanks In Advance

  2. 77 Chevy

    77 Chevy Member

    Aug 21, 2006
    Mission, KS
    I would check a local Carquest or Napa autoparts.
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    I'm having a _serious_ brain fart here , as I forget if it's the early or late cylinder heads tha have the larger size threaded bung for the temp. sender .

    IIRC , the early ones are larger so when you use a later model one , you must needs use a bushing , sold by Weatherhead .

    If the sender came off the end of the Bourdon Tube on your original temp sender , it's dead and fairly pricy to fix so look on E-pay for a nice N.O.S. one , beware there are many crooks who don't mention the fact that thier sales item is broken and has no bulb on the end if it...

    Iv'e seen a few go really cheap but expect to pay up to $150.00 for a nice N.O.S. one in a box...

    I hear tell The Truck Shop (and maybe Chevy Duty ?) now sells brandy new re-pop gauges , be sure to get the one that reads up to 230° rather than the original 212° one .

    Or , find a place that sells rebuilt ones .

    If your truck is just a daily driver , consider getting the Stewart - Warner DeLuxe mechanical temperature gauge from NAPA or your local FLAPS , be _sure_ to order the DeLuxe one as the standard one isn't illuminated and cannot be made to light up in the dark.....

    It'll come with all the necessary bushings and etc. , you'll need to order up a single gauge bracket to hang it under the dash with unless the DPO allready chopped a hole in your dash for a 2" gauge... :eek:

    I hope this helps...?

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