I did a serch and came up short. My 60 has brake lights on the rear bumper. The stock lights function as tail lights and turn signal lights, but not ad barke lights. How can I get the oe ones tp work. I see a brown wire and a red wire coming off of the original socket. And I have located the wire for the brake light ( off of the lights on the bumper). Can I just tap it into one of the wires going to the turn/ tail light?. All the lights work I just want to get rid oy the HD bumper and put on a stock one. Thanks Sal
Here is the rear wiring diagram for a 63. The 60 can't be too much different.. http://pages.zdnet.com/64moneypit/id16.html Val
You are going to need to retofit an 1157 socket into the tail lights. It will have two leads coming off it on for running lights and one for brake lights. The 1157 socket is very common and you should be able to pick one up at the parts store for a couple bucks each.