Here are some pics of my kids working on their truck. We just started disassembly this weekend. I cannot tell you all what a great experience it has been for them. The bonding has been unbelievable and they can't wait to work on it again this weekend. All you guys have been a great help with info and insight and all your knowledge and experience are greatly appreciated. I will post more pics as we make progress. You can see the junker parts truck behind the garage in the last picture. All the blue truck sheet metal will be going onto the junker's frame. Andy
Andy, i love the second picture the best. That little one is bound and determined to remove that light! Thanks for sharing.
Great ! nothing like ' quality family time ' This will bring you closer to your kids and teach them good things about life in general...
Love the pics man. Keep'em coming. This is how I was as a kid. Other kids riding their bikes, but dad and I were tearing cars apart. AHHH the good old days. Thanks for sharing
Me? jealous? Nah, Id rather be alone, working on my truck, struggling to get that bolt done up that really needs someone else holding a wrench on the nut, wondering why my boys never visit anymore. ________ Alaska medical marijuana dispensaries
Kids All Gone I hear that ! . All you can do though , is give them your time , love and attention , time , tech them right from wrong , acceptance and understanding when they screw up , time and oh yes , as much time as you can , wind 'em up and set them off on the road of life.... My boy comes back home all the time (we went out to movie and dinner last night) but <magically> dissapears whenever I open my toolbox...
So me smacking them in the side of the head when they did'nt want to help in the garage was a bad thing huh! ________ VAPORMATIC VAPORIZER
kid's trucks Oh-man, what a great time us dad's have when our kids take intrest in our projects. I'm not sure if we tore the Boops 53 down because it needed it so much as I wanted to do something my daughter enjoyed. She is 16 and is all lady, but will get greasy with the best. She is my right hand, and left more often than I should admit. Even if the old girl never get up and running, the times together will last a life time for the kids (and the dads)..... LOVE IS TIME..... let me brag >>>>> see pics below.
Very cool guys ! . My son took after my faster side and so likes my truck but doesn't like working on it nor driving it sad to say -but- he does say he wants to keep it when he inherits it . BTW : I've been unable to get on here for a day or so , I keep getting " page cannot be found " messages after I see the page 1/2 way loaded...
I tell you, working on cars is one of the best ways to bond with your kids.. I don't have kids yet but I'm excited that I'll get to share all of this with them.. and not to worry, I'll have way more projects.. Maybe by the time I restore a Mach 1 or an old Ford truck.... we'll see!
FORD!!!! FORD!!!! please watch your language on here, there are young uns on the forum ________ VAPORIZER INFORMATION
Brand " F " Products Should I not mention I've owned and _liked_ several old brand " F " products then ? From Model 'A's to Falcon Rancheros and more , Henry's name has been affixed to a few good cars I've owned or driven .
You're a lucky man, Nate. So it was YOU who ended up with those few good cars "F" put out. When I was younger and had that "anythings possible attitude", I actually tried to bond with the -F-, but both of mine died horrible deaths! Not so with Chevy.
Well ; It's hard to not like Flatheads... I liked my Model 'A's quite a bit even though they were crudely designed at best , Henry made sure they were extremely well built and had the very best steel and etc. in them too so that's why a 1928 Ford Coupe are still quite plentiful but '32 Chevies are like chicken lips ~ hard to find . I've owned four different Model 'A's , a TuDor , A ForDor , a 5 window Coupe and a DeLuxe pickup truck , Henry didn;t sell DeLuxe pickups , someone made this one , I miss it greatly . I had a couple '62s , one Country Sedan station Wagon that did Yeoman service when I was about 15 and living with my 1st live-in lady freind ~ she was into horses and so dragged a horse trailer with that poor old car , it was a V-ate and Ford-O-Matic 2 speed slushbox , she ran a red light and sent a brandy new Renault R-10 to the promised land , we hung a fender and hood on the Ford and it kept on going untill she traded it in on a Mustang after trading -me- in on a drunk whom she married ..... Then there was a nice '62 Galaxie with I-6 and three speed manual plus _overdrive_ , that one was a freebie and had glorious desert biege paint (a hint of rose makes tan into Desert Biege) , it blew a rod sad to say so I scrapped it , perfect interior and all . I got a one owner '61 Mercury Comet Coupe ~ what a P.O.S. ! I was living on top of a hill , yes it was a steep hill but jeezo-peezo the _only_ car I ever saw that didn't have enough power to climb my hill was that cherry , low milage Comet so I sent it packing .. TWO different 1959 F-100's - both had three on the tree and the world beating I-6 240 C.I. engine... Oops ~ this is a Chebby list and I'm waxing poetic about brand "F".....
I'll give you one thing- when I see a flathead, I never see the fact that it came from f*#%@ land. All I see is... Coooooooooooooooll!!!!!! They just look so darn coooooooool! BUT...I'll never forget that an "F" was used as a consolation prize for selling my first true love- my 1950 Chevy truck. (Restored all o-riginately) Being as though I was only 16, there wasn't much I could do about it. I started working full time to pay it off while my buddies were being- well- sixteen. I worked downtown KC at a Chevron station pumpin' gas all summer. I had it slightly more than half paid off, when my dad decided to sell it. (He actually got pissed about the thought of me putting a split exhaust manifold with Thrush mufflers on it. ) So I went from the love of my life to a F#@&+!!!!! Not just ANY ford, but a 4DOOR! (sixteen, remember?) Not just ANY 4door, but one that was entered into a 4-H parade!!!! It had a peace sign, church, a lady bug, a tick-tack-toe game painted on the roof, goofy big eyes painted on the hood, and those neat BIG green clovers painted on each door and the trunk! IN OIL BASE HOUSE PAINT!!! If I was Irish, I would have drowned myself in green BEER! Needless to say, I was never the "car pool" for my buddies. Thank God for Mako! (Mayko?) That 100.00-we'll-paint-your-whole-car-place? Don't forget, I still had my job, and I still had to drive into downtown KC - in this ride! I'll never forget looking over to the cars that were in the other lane that would speed up to catch me, and then stay even. I didn't want to look, but I had to. Everytime I did, I'd see them in their "normal" cars just ROLLIN' with laughter! More than likely, tears were runnin' down their cheeks! It was a real character builder- that car... Thankfully, it WAS a "F", and I believe it was three months later, it's tranny gave it up. My dad paid to have it fixed, but two weeks later, the tranny gave it up again! (mysteriously ) He ended up paying a salvage company $25 to come haul it away. Now see- if it would have said "Chevy", I'd probably STILL be driving that thing!
Zig, I'm going to email you a picture of my favorite F.... it's been in the family as long as i have.
LOL ~ that's great ! I can just imagine your embarrasment @ 16 years old I think it prolly was a character builder .
Betrayal Im throwing the towel in and leaving this forum, hearing Nate talk fondly of .......f........f......f, I cant even say the word! its like hearing your grandma was a serial cheat on yer grandad, im heartbroken, i could forgive you Nate for the tinkering with german motors as an eccentric fascination but this goes straight through the heart, im devastated, ________ B engine