I am attempting to install a wiper motor in my '58. Any ideas on getting enough room to work up there?? I have removed the radio, glove box and heater controls already. About ready to pull the seat. Any ideas at all????
I have changed my wiper motor before-and I know you have to be a contortionist to reach under the dash,but it sounds like you have removed more than I had to .
"58 Apache wiper install well Lee, to tell the truth, removing the seat made the job a sinch. Gave me plenty of room to stretch out, relax and if I had three hands (one to hold the motor, one for the wrench and one to hold the light) I think I would tear it out and reinstall it just for the fun of it. But I'm not really that hard up for fun.... thanks for the input. Carl
Take the seat out,get one of those lights you can attach to your head,thats what I did..the light was great help...
The seat comes out easily. The time it takes is worth it. If all goes well, it can be done with the seat in, but you know how it's going to be. Attaching the clips that hold the rods on, getting the duct work for the heater reattached after it gets knocked off, go ahead, take the seat out.
I put in a replacement for the '58. I will tell anyone who is thinking about a wiper motor install to definatly remove the seat. It makes the job a snap when you can get relaxed and have room to work.