Sometimes know as axle shims or front spring shims. They are used to set camber on the front axle. Anyone know where to get some for a TF truck? Originals came as: part number 3722796 2" wide, 3.88" long, .093 thick one end, .195 thick other end part number 3744488 2" wide, 3.88" long, .093 thick one end, .330 thick other end
shims Bill, don't know offhand where to get factory ones, but you may try a Chevy dealer for kicks. Thay may be able to order some. Who knows. Another possible source may be a 4X4 shop. I have seen shims sold for adjusting pinion angle after lifting a trunk. They may be close enough. Have you check the caster on the truck to verify you need them, or are you looking to replace broken ones?.......Mike
I am going to be replacing the front springs and adding power steering in the next month. I am planning to have the front end aligned when I am done and just want to know where to get shims if they are needed.
shims Bill, are you replacing with factory type springs, or lowered ones? I only ask, as the lowered ones tend to change the caster to the direction where you need to remove shims, so you may actually end up fine. Mine ended up perfect with no shims at all.......Mike
Factory type springs, although NOT the 8 leaf HD front springs that were originally on my '57 GMC. The GMCs came with 8 (HD) or 7 leaf springs. Chevy's were 6. Maybe there was an HD option, I don't know. By the way, SWMBO just called and said my new Eaton springs just arrived on the front porch. They promised them by next Monday, so they are 5 days early.