216 now.235 or 250 next?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by lazys53, Aug 4, 2005.

  1. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    OK fellas, I'm back with another upgrade question. I've been away for a few weeks. When I got back on the site, I found a topic with someone asking for suggestions on going with either, a used V-8 or rebuilding a 235. I replied to one of Nate's comments on the subject. I have a 53 1/2 ton with the 216. I ran into a guy in the streets, who is willing to give up a 235 for free. I have also heard some guys talking about being able to beefup these 235's. Before I found this 235, I was on the hunt for a 250 straight-6-er. Only because I've heard that guys have been able to drag with these engines. Now, thats not where I'm going but, I would like to able to get on the freeway and not have to wait for a 5 min. window b-4 getting on. You know? What about the drive shaft and the rear-end? Should these also be changed out? I know I gotta get some Disc's up front, I guess I'll to CD for that. I'm not too much of a surgoen when it comes to donor cars/trucks, and big surgories/transplants and all. So, here I am, again, asking for in-put. A 235 or the 250 (when/if I find one)? Both re-built with some good Hi-Pro Mods. Then, I'm still debating between straight pipes! Or GlassPacks! Either way..Its gotta be Loud !! No Flows....we'll safe those for the Camaro's/ Cutlass's..well, like always fellas, any help is Always Good help, especially comin from one of the crew.....lazy
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Installing a 250 (or 292!) involves mucho work and fabrication ~ motor mounts , tranny adapter plate , clutch & brake linkages , new radiator and so on.....

    A good running 235 will zooom right into freeway traffic without any waiting ~ you just _try_ to keep up with me .

    Carefull assembly of a 235 inclusing the all important addition of a new (never reground!) 261 cam and lifters will result in some impressive power for an old truck . adding multiple carburation adds even more zip .

    Adding tall tires helps freeway speeds too .

    Try running straight pipse , they're loud but not raspy , if you need to annoy people , please move far away from me and install a pair of Cherry Bomb glass packs , that'll do the trick .

    Most muffler shops have take off glass packs , the shorter the muffler , the more crackle it will make .

  3. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    Hey there Nate,
    I knew I could count on you. Ok, I get it when you say use the 261 cam, now when I get to a local shop,(reno,nv) there isn't any other ways or names for a "REGROUND" cam? I just don't want to pay for something that I thought was right, when it wasn't. I know I'm being kind of confusing, but I just want to make sure that I'm going into this knowing all the "in's and out's," you know? Like,I know what I'm talking about when I step into a shop. Next, "Lifters," how do I shop for the correct lifters? I'm totally clueless on this one buddy, but if you show me the way, I can follow. I am also wondering about the rest of my running gear, I'm still running the 216 and everything else stock. What should I do with it? Re-build, upgrade or ....what? On my old block in California, I have a friend who drives a 54 235 with straight pipes, and Nate, theres no comparision to the sound they give off. Yes, I also grew up around Impalas with Glass-Packs, and they also have a lovely sound. But I guess I got to check up with local police to see if I could even get away with the Straights. Because, no use paying for them to get put on Friday, when on Monday I got to pay to take them off. But, I think if I just keep my foot on the clutch when Officer Bob comes around, my pipes shouldn't pop THAT loud. Well let me know what you think, I should probaly give the guy with the 235 a call tomorrow. thanks ......lazy
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: Cams & Straight Pipes

    O.K. , here's the deal : when you go into the parts store to order up your cam , ask for a new camshaft for a 1962 Chevy C-50 with 261 inline 6 cylinder engine please and also a set of solid lifters , new only please .

    When he announces the price , ask him ' is that for a new cam and lifters or re-ground ? ' if he says new , then ask him if it's the same part # for the 235 cam , if so , leave and try another jobber as his supplier is jerking off the customers .

    I'd imagine you could buy a brand new one from Isky or Piper , maybe Web Cam ? I don't keep up on the American cam grinders so you should go ask on all the boards , who's used what , I know a couple guys on this very list are using 261 cams so mayhap they'll chime in here or send you an off list note as to where to buy one , it'd be nice to post that here tho' .

    IIRC PAW , the big hot rod store used to sell new 261 cams...

    As far as the exhaust , straight pipes are not overly loud and do _NOT_ rumble pop or crackle ~ that is caused by the various mufflers you may or may not install , try the straight pipes first as no cop in the land will tell youit's O.K. , what the heck do traffic cops know about pre war GM 6 bangers ? nuttin' that's what =:cool: . they're only interested in the fire codes that require a spark arrestor , usually found in the form of a muffler .

    It is a simple thing to add a muffler later on if you so desire , glass packs will give you the crackle , long (like 40") ' Smitty's '
    typ glass packs give a much deeper tone and still have the crackle .

    If you have a split exhaust manifold and keep the sides seperated , that will make it pop on decell plus rob some power but if the splitter does this and you want , ad a crossover pipe as close to the tranny area as possible to get improved pickup in the midrange RPM's where most in town driving is done .

    I hope this helped...

  5. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    RE: Cams & Straight Pipes

    I got the part about buying a "ONLY NEW" 261 cam. Then I get set of solid lifters to go with this same cam, right? And then, I DO NOT WANT the same cam for the 235, correct? cause the 261 cam is a totally differant part #, am I correct so far? OK, now for the exhaust. Is it wise to take my manifold down to be cut and welded into a dual exhaust? Or should I search for an already faburcated one? And I'm still thinking about either real small/tight Glasspacks or straights. I'm not too sure what you were talking about when you said som,ething about a "crossover pipe". sorry, maybe you might have to paint a better picture for me. your info. sure did help out.

  6. fab51

    fab51 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Central Missouri
    RE: Cams & Straight Pipes


    It sounds like you've got it. The 261 cam has a higher lift and longer duration which means more air/fuel mixture is sucked in. The solid lifters will be the same for either cam.

    You can have your manifold split, and is better than headers in some ways. For example, if you have your manifold split it retains the "Thermostatically contorlled heat riser", which you need more than some people will admit. Good luck, though, finding a local shop to do it. I had no luck with any of the welding/fabricating shops in my local area. I had to send a spare manifold to Kansas Kustoms. They have an advertisment at www.inliners.org Go to their home page and search for Kansas Kustoms. The guy is reasonably priced and does a nice job.

    I'm not sure of all of the technicalities of the crossover pipe, but it is a pipe that connects the two exhaust pipes. It is also called an "H" pipe.

    Hope this helps you out.
  7. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    RE: Cams & Straight Pipes


    With that " H " pipe, how does it connect to the exhaust pipes? Is it also an exhaust pipe? Does the air flow through this pipe? In your pictures it's hard to see. But I do understand the concept. Thanks for the info. Talk to ya soon
  8. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    RE: Cams & Straight Pipes

    Hey Guys-

    I got a quote from a person from "Patricks" =

    ="When you rebuild, you get a new cam and lifters; the 235 and 261 cams
    the same. The only difference in the 261 is the size of the pistons
    and rings.
    Everything else is the same as 235 (bearings, cam, valves, etc).

    You do not need to change the driveline, you probably should change the
    end and add our 3.55:1 ratio. Your current ratio is 4.11:1. This
    lets you go 15% faster and slows the engine the same amount, thus
    more capacity.

    We also have a tranny conversion that allows you to keep a 4 sp with a
    sychro mesh later tranny."
    and this is what this person is telling me about my rebuild on my 235 with a 261 cam. I need to ask more about the tranny conversion kit. Because if I don't need to purchase another rearend, then I won't.I'll just get that gear package and be set.(hopefully) I'll let everyone know what the catalogs look like when I get it.
  9. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: Cams & Straight Pipes

    Lazy ;

    The cams are _NOT_ the same ! . period . yes the lifters are .

    A crossoever or " H pipe " connects the two exhaust pipes to better balance the back pressure of the engine's exhaust pulses for better scavenging , only exhaust gasses flow through it .

    I hope all is clear now ? (clear as mud perhaps?)

  10. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    RE: Cams & Straight Pipes


    Alright Nate, I'm gonna get on this female's ass for telling me the way she did. Because just as it says in the post before the one just sent, she said,"that the cams for the 235 and the 261 are the same....." the dawm b---h! Its either I get these items through Patricks or my local parts shop, I'll get 'em one way or another.But thanks for clearing it up for me! Like I said before,if you show me the way, I can follow. Thanks again Nate. Sometimes Mudd is the Clearist thing to see...
  11. fab51

    fab51 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Central Missouri
    RE: Cams Cams Cams


    Maybe Patricks only carries one stock cam for both engines. They do interchange, but rest assured they aren't the same. I used to have the lift and duration specs, and could dig them up if they would benefit you. I have heard, however, that the 261 cam is the same one they ran in the 235 powered Corvette. If I were you, I would find a parts store with actual parts guys and not counter jockeys to order your cam from. That's what I did and got exactly what I was after, for a very reasonable price (about $110 for the new cam). Just stick with me and Nate. We'll get you through this, because we've both done it to our trucks.
  12. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    RE: Cams Cams Cams


    Thanx again . I've had nothing but good help from my local Napa. What I'll do, is go into Napa, sit down with one of the counter guys, and get the story straight before I go forward. I'm gonna get in touch with the guy that has that 235 and bring it home. Thanx to you and Nate for all your help, but hey, I'm not done yet. So stick around, I will still need to ask more ?'s. I will keep you guys posted as I'm going. Let you know how it goes down at the parts shop.

  13. Windy in Kansas

    Windy in Kansas Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    RE: Cams Cams Cams

    Thanks for this thread conversation. I also hope to soon be going through this same procedure.

    Lucky me, I live in the town Kansas Kustoms is in. In all probability I can get a slight price break because there is no need for shipping. Their work looks nice, I'll check it out in person before ordering.

    Again, thanks.
  14. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    RE: Cams Cams Cams


    OK, now I found the cam and the "mechnical lifters" through Summit. Today I talked with a guy at Patricks, he told me that in '55 and up, the 235 and the 261 cam's are the same exact size. So I got the part #'s on the cam for the cam for the engines between '54-'55. Another part # for the cam between '59-'62. And the lifters will work either way. Lifters = $135. Cam either $100 or $95. Not bad, I thought, compared to the HI-PRO stuff they got. Hopefully, I really hope that this guy comes through with this engine. I was looking on I believe was Patricks, I saw the HEI distributor. Have you guys seen this? Well I'm sure you guys are way ahead of me, but that would be cool. NO MORE POINTS. Maybe I'm just getting too excitied. OH ! Did I tell you guys that my third baby-girl is coming tomorrow? Yeah ! Gonna take wifey down to the Doc. early in the morning, he's gonna "induce?" think thats how you spell it? Force her into labor. But that will be my third lil girl. Isabella she's gotta name already. Well, I'll keep you guys posted on the engine and my new baby girl. Oh, and if I'm wrong on that cam, let me know. I haven't bought anything yet! Remember--- I'm on workers comp...0$ and now my wife's on "baby-leave!" I'm just investegating/searching/hunting the parts down....you know how it goes...well.. chop it up with fellas later...........thanx again................lazy...
  15. fab51

    fab51 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Central Missouri
    RE: Cams Cams Cams


    That sounds right to me. In '55 they changed the bearing size, so a cam for a later model will not fit a '54 or early '55. Do you know what year the engine is yet? You can look up the serial number over at www.inliners.org or there is a date code right above where the starter would be. Something like F 29 7. The first letter is the month, A=Jan, B=Feb, etc. The next number is the day of the month, and the last number is the last number of the year, 7='57.

    Various places sell the HEI dizzy that has been converted for use in the 235. I bought one from Tom Langdon last spring and it was great...until one of the electronic components went out and left me in a busy intersection at lunch on a Friday. I tried replacing the ignition module and that didn't work, so I put the points dizzy back in. You may have to check the adjustment on points from time to time, but at least it won't leave you stranded with no warning.

    Congrats on the new baby girl!!! Keep us posted...
  16. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: Cams & Babies

    Lazy ;

    Congadulations ! it appears you're not as lazy as your name indicates :p

    Look up Pertronix and buy thier " Ignitor " , it replaces the points in the original dizzy and is pretty much fool proof , I've been running them for years now , shop around as prices vary wildly .
  17. Windy in Kansas

    Windy in Kansas Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    HEI vs. points

    fab51 I'm with you on sticking with the points distributor.
    Besides if you can't replace points and do other dinking around with the Stovebolts what fun are they?

    Years ago when mowing with a municipal tractor it suddenly died. I discovered that the points were burned to nearly nothing, not allowing them to close properly. The small town parts supplier had none in stock and I wanted to finish the mowing before the weekend.

    I wound up--on the spot--wrapping aluminum foil from a gum wrapper around the burned points and finished my mowing that day.

    When an HEI goes out there is no jerry rig repair that I'm aware of, you are simply stranded. Give me a points distributor engine any day. So what if I also have to clean plugs more often and suffer a little lack of performance.

    Of course just my opinion with about a million or billion others disagreeing with me.
  18. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    RE: Cams & Babies

    Thanx fellas for the Congrats! yeah she came out on time ( which means in my terms a whole 14 hours LATE ! )and ready for the world, just don't think the world ready for her. We named her Isabella. Believe me , my laziness has been passed down to all 3 of my girls. She toke her time coming out, now,....she follow's Daddy's steps, "sleeps, eats and shits." I got a funny feeling about this guy with the engine, I've left 2 messages with a live person. Still no response, I got some school stuff to take care of this week, I will make time to stop by his body shop. Just to get things in order. I'm burnt out right ow guys, I just dropped in to bring you guys up to date, thanks again for info. and the congrats..lazy:7

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