new name.....

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by 6400chevy, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. 6400chevy

    6400chevy Member

    Mar 25, 2006
    Valdez United States
    Hey Folks, It has been a long time since I have been on here and I forgot my password so I had to create a new screen name.. originally it was 6400chevy, and now its 6400chevrolet. ok, so now thats over with I havn't proceeded the resto on my 1950 6400 Chevy due to financial issues with the flooding up here in Alaska, and minimum wage jobs. and now that I am back on track I plan on doing a few things with my flatbed. first is first engine pull and rebuild. and now for the question.. does the 216, well.... any inline 6 engine on these later model trucks bolt on to the bell housing or slide together or what cause I can't find any bolts. or do I have to pull the tranny also? and another question is Classic parts doesn't have any brake parts for a 1.5 ton truck. so where would I find driveline parts, brake parts, ect... for my truck. and also, on the larger trucks (like my 6400) are there any size differences in the cab compared to the smaller lighter duty chevy trucks??

    Andrew Christoffersen
    Valdez, Alaska

    Chevy trucks are like wine, the older the better
  2. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Welcome back to the flock. Because the brakes are the first thing that i do on a project, i'll address that. I know of a couple places to start looking for brake parts for big chevs. Obsolete Chevy Parts has a lot of stuff for 1 ton and above. should get you there. shows 3/4 ton brake parts, but they might have some parts that fit bigger trucks. Jim Carter might have some too. I can't ever remember their website name, but if you do a google search, you should find them.

    Is it cold up there yet?
  3. 6400chevy

    6400chevy Member

    Mar 25, 2006
    Valdez United States

    Actually it was cold for a couple of weeks, and now it is warming up.
  4. federale

    federale Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Washington C.H.,Ohio
    Welcome back,6400. The cabs are the same size,no matter what truck you have. The transmission does indeed bolt on to the engine with 4 bolts. Take the bottom splash pan off the bellhousing and you will find the 2 lower bolts inside. Look straight up on the outside from those two bolts and you will find the top ones. Good luck.
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    NAPA shouldn't have any trouble getting you brake parts .

    Sounds good to me , you may want to just get another engine as that's usualy far cheaper than rebuilding the old one , moreso when it's a 216 as the connecting rob bearings are shimmed and can be a PIA .

    I like to use Ford Model 'A' mylar rod bearing shims as they're laminated and so easy to use ....

    Any old AD truck you find up there (and I hear there's a LOT of them) sitting in the weeds will be a good candidate for another engine if it turns....

    You should be able to get a good 235 and tune it up , slip it right on ~ true bolt up deal .

    Or , just do the rebuild , look hard at your old engine to see if it needs total rebuilding or just a simple overhaul or maybe just head work ~ does it smoke ?
    when ? etc. oil pressure , there isn't much in a 216 so don't let the oil pressure gauge sitting on the peg @ idle bother you .
  6. sloromon

    sloromon Member

    Oct 9, 2006
    Phoenix, AZ

    is that why my 235 makes the pressure gauge peg out at max when it's running?:mad: how do you go about getting that fixed?

  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Well ;

    I'm not sure why you'd want to " fix " that :confused: :rolleyes: :D

    You can either have the gauge rebuilt and re-calibrated at great co$t and iffy accuracy :mad: ,

    Go find a GMC oil pressure gauge and put a nice Chevy face sticker on it or :

    Just letthedarnthingbe and don't worry , be happy , you have oil pressure and having -any- oil pressure in these old nails means you're way ahead of the curve anyway ;)
  8. 6400chevy

    6400chevy Member

    Mar 25, 2006
    Valdez United States
    3 days off!!

    Ok, I have 3 days off! so that means I can get some work done on my truck. but where to start? should I go down to napa and get a gasket set for my old 216 and a 12 volt conversion kit?? or maybe what I should do is find a garage or shop to rent for the winter so I can work in a warm environment..... anywho enough about that. can someone tell me about this 12 volt conversion thing? and what do I have to do to install it??

    Andrew Christoffersen
    Valdez, Alaska

    I got a piece of tin nobody knows what shape its in, got four doors and running boards... oh wait Its a Ford!
  9. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Quit using that kind of language on this site!!! There may be children- or the Boopster's daughter reading this stuff and they DON'T need to be reading the "F" word!!!:D I don't need to worry about work 'till Monday. Family and watching the Chiefs beat the donkeys on T-day will take up alot of that time. Plus, on the 26th, my daughter turns 4!:cool: So, I'll just steel glimpses of my project as often as I can. When I do work on it, it's the frame man... I'm having fun watching those rivits going by the wayside after predrilling the head with an 1/8" bit, then letting that 3/8" follow the lead. Once I drill it to the surface of the frame, I take a cold chisel, knock the top off, then use a punch and out pops the rivit! Not one skinned knuckle, not one drop of blood. BOY, am I going to pay for THAT!
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2006
  10. Kevin's 48

    Kevin's 48 Member

    Aug 7, 2006
    with that comment Zig you better have red cross close by for a new blood supply. Every time I think I'm doing good with cuts and scratches then it looks like I've been in a fight with a cat, and I didn't win. You guys have a good T-day. I'm not getting to go home this year. I guess BMW thinks it's more important that I make them money. The outlaws are coming to town, Boy do I miss my truck:( .
  11. sloromon

    sloromon Member

    Oct 9, 2006
    Phoenix, AZ
    oil pressure

    gotcha, nate. thanks. i would much rather leave this one alone as long as it's not hurting anything.


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