I've got a 66gmc 351e/4spd, I'm wanting swap to a 350/th350, I was wondering if any of ya'll happen to have any experience swap thos particular Items, or let alone adding a th350 (cross member placement, new crossmember) any help would be great as my most recent tuning/modifiying experience is playing with my 06 Saturn Ion quad coupe, my father in-laws helping me build a mild 350, and has given me a th350 trans, I just need a little guidance on install, thanks Tony
I Did A 350 Th350 Swap And You Can Find A Tranny Crossmember At Earlyclassics.com. Very Easy To Do. Bust The Rivets And Remove Your 4speed Crossmember And Install The Auto Crossmember In The Location Recemended By The Instructions. I Followed The Instructions And I Dropped My Motor And Trans In Together, All The Mounts Were In Just The Right Place. Youll Have Change Up The Driveline And Choose What Kinda Shifter You Want To Use. My Truck Is 66 Longbed And I Choose To Use A Single Peice Driveline Out Of An 80's Pickup. I Had To Shorten And Balance It. Many Of Us Here Have Done This Swap So Feel Free To Ask As Many Questions As You Need. Good Luck
as far as drivelines go (Mines long and wide) what kind of truck did your ds come out of? would you happen to know anything about the motormounts, the frames are all the same so I fugured I could just get good ole v-8 mounts and it would drop in.
My Th350 Came Out Of A 86 Chevy Long Bed Pickup With A Single Piece Driveline, So I Grabbed The Drive Line Too, The Th350's Have A Long And Short Tail Housing, The Short Housings Have Four Bolts Holding It On. If I Were You Id Try To Find A Early 80's Long Bed Chevy 2wd That Has Or Had A Th350 In It, And Grab The Driveline Out Of It. Youll Have To Shorted It A Little. Youll Want A Local Shop To Do That For You And It Usually Cost About $100. That Includes U Joints. Make Sure You Grab The Yoke Unless You Already Have One.
cool thanks, my father in law, gave me the engine and trans, they came out of '42 chev panel (already hot rodded, just being redone) non-military (moms project ride) since he's already got a motor and trans for that one. I'm pretty sure it's the long tail shaft version, so the search is on.... thanks for all the info.
Anytime, You Can Use The Same Driveline For A Long Tail House, Youll Just Have To Shorten It A Little More. Good Luck
12 Bolt Out Of An Early Impalla, They Measured The Same Length, But Is Alot Stronger And Easier To Find Posi Gears. I Did Have To Cut Of The Axle Shoes And Weld In New Ones Because The Rear End Came From A Leaf Spring Car And Went On The Our Trailing Arm Style Pick Up. Also Had To Weld On A Bracket For The Pan Hard Bar.
thats odd, my truck has rear leaf springs instead of the trailing arm setup. You wouldn't happen to know on the heater cables they had those little slide on stoppers to keep the cables there, if there missing what would you suggest using, I rebuilt the heat system and now I cant figure out how to attach the control cables with out them falling off, I need help it's a gettin a wee bit chilly on the mornings. thanks Tony
Yours Being A Gmc Does Have The Leafs So A Rear End Conversion Will Be Easier For You. Our Hosts Here At Classic Parts Has Most Of The Heater Parts Youll Need For Your Pickup. I Havnt Really Looked At There Gmc Stuffed Compared To The Cheverolets But I Do Believe That They Have What Your Looking For Here.
I didnt see the little compresion nuts/clips, but I'll look again. they don't carry those little clips/nuts, but they said check at a hardware store, so off to lowes/home depot.... yeah
I haven't found to many parts that aren't interchangable, so it's all good right now, except for a grill, that'll be a pain.
Best Bet On The Gmc Grilles Is A Chrome Shop And Have Them Rechrome Yours If You Have One. Other Wise A Junk Yard And Then The Chrome Shop. On The Heater Cables, If Its A Metal Clip Like Im Thinking It Might Be, Your Local Auto Parts Store Should Have A Huge Selection You Can Choose From. Just Take One Of Your Cables Down To Them To Look At.
I've done that, and the guys at shucks, autozone, napa they all looked at me like I had a third eye on my forehead, totaly not helpful.... but I'll try some of the mom and pop part stores, we've got a few
Ya, I Find The Mom And Pop Stores Treat You Better And Actually Know What A Car Is. The Bigger Chains Have Employees That Are There Just Cause Its A Job, Not For The Love Of Automobiles.
If and when you need drive line work get in touch with Six States @2138 Chinden ph# 377-9393. They did mine when I put in the 5 speed and an excellent job they did. Cost me $80.00 cut and balanced. Give me a ring at my shop if you need any help. Gene's Automotive 587-4914 in Mtn Home. Good luck!
thanks guys, I'm making a list of people and parts place, so thanks for all the great info, and any other sugestions..... keep'um coming I can use all the help I can get!!!!!
hey sls 06ion youre close enough to Spokanne you might want to check spaldings auto wrecking for the parts youre looking for. Mine is a bit different problem Ive a60 3/4 ton 2wd and would like to convert to disc by doing a spindle swap does any one kno what years will fit and does it have to be a 3/4t(or 1t) spindle?
hey sls 06ion youre close enough to Spokanne you might want to check spaldings auto wrecking for the parts youre looking for. Mine is a bit different problem Ive a60 3/4 ton 2wd and would like to convert to disc by doing a spindle swap does any one kno what years will fit and does it have to be a 3/4t(or 1t) spindle?