electric choke

Discussion in '1973-1987' started by kingsred87, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. kingsred87

    kingsred87 Member

    Nov 27, 2006
    I just bought an 87 cheverlot silverado shortwide bed . I guess at one time it had a throttle body in it but now it has a 350 with a carburator on it . But the electric choke is not hooked up . I need help trying to figure out how to hook it up .
  2. Bross

    Bross Member

    Nov 28, 2006
    Hey man...that's pretty easy. Just run a wire from the post marked - to a good ground, like the alternater bracket or the like. Run a key on power wire to the + post on the choke pot. Just find a fuse in the panel that is hot only with the key on and use a fuse tap (they sell them at NAPA) for a blade style fuse to hook up the wire. After that, all you have to do is adjust the choke. Hope this helps.;)
  3. kingsred87

    kingsred87 Member

    Nov 27, 2006
    I'm still having trouble with what you are saying . I guess I don't understand . I read on here something about hooking up the electric choke to the hot wire on the alt. Would you know anything about that. Thanks
  4. Heavy86Chevy

    Heavy86Chevy Member

    Oct 11, 2006
    British Columbia Canada
    i don't know what Bross is talkin about the negative (-) you don't need that. the carb is already grounded. just run 1 wire from a keyed power source to the choke. yes you can hook it off the alternator if the alternator wire is a keyed source. but it's better to run a wire from the fuse panel.
  5. kingsred87

    kingsred87 Member

    Nov 27, 2006
    slow window

    I have an 87 shortwide bed recently bought. It as power windows, the driver side goes up fairly quick , but the problem is the passenger window , it goes up slooooow , what do you think the problem is . Thanks
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2006
  6. Pontiac1976

    Pontiac1976 Member

    Aug 21, 2006
    Ontario, Canada
    As "Heavy86Chevy" has said for the carb choke. Two thing come to mind lube the trackes clean the contacts to the motor. Make sure the window is not ajusted to over tight if it not then the motor might be going.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2007

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