Problems to install the hood of my

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by acipfeffer, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. acipfeffer

    acipfeffer Member

    Sep 1, 2005
    `Hello together ,

    first of all i am new here and i hope to get some importante advices from you.

    Sorry for my english but i am not a native speaker , but i am a really US car enthusiast.

    I am doing a frame off Chevy Pickup restoration , with Chevy Camaro Front end and Camaro rear axle.

    I am almost done, just one big problem left.

    I have no idea to install the hood prober ????

    If i close the hood, the springs are pushing up the hood at the firewall, so there is a big gap between firewall and hood.

    A friend of mine told me , that the hinges could be worn out ????
    And therefore the springs are pushing the hood up!!!!

    I hope you know the solution for my problem.

    Thanks a lot for your support

    Cu Achim
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: Hood Alignment

    Hi Cu ! always nice to meet another old car buff .

    This is a comon problem with the AD series trucks , I recall there is an adjustment you need tomake on the hinges , been a long time...

    Anyway , try over on the Stovebolt Page as it's a common topic over there , should be in the archives here too , no I dunno how to search them .

    Post a link to where you're at and some truck pix .

  3. jimfitz

    jimfitz Member

    Apr 14, 2005
    lanoka harbor usa
    RE: Problems to install the hood of

    hi your hinges may be worn but first try adjusting the bolts you have two bolts from inside cab and two outside where hinge mounts to cab
    lossen and have some one hold hood in closed position wher it is to go and tighten from inside -raise hood and tighten side bolts its a little tricky but will work if hinges are good let me know how you make out, jim
  4. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    RE: Problems to install the hood of

    Hey Cu, Does your hood fit as it's supposed to when the hinges and support arms are not in place? The reason for this question is because of your camaro clip. If the crossmember your radiator core support bolts to is off a bit it can cause hood alignment problems, especially causing it to be up in the back if too low. If your hood fits okay without the hinges then this is not the problem. Good luck
  5. acipfeffer

    acipfeffer Member

    Sep 1, 2005
    RE: Problems to install the hood of

    Hy guys,

    thanks for your support.

    I couldnt check out all your tips , because i was to busy this weekend :( ..... i hope to get it done during next week.

    But i already checked the allignment of the hood without the hinges.
    I recognized that the co driver site is fine and the hood is closing perfectly on this site, but on the driver site is a small gap and it not
    closing really nice. I jsut have to press a little bit on the driver site and it looks good.

    I guess that the problem is the camaro clip and the radiator , maybe its not exactly located in the middle.

    What can i do if the radiator is not located in the middle ``?????

    Thanks a lot

    See you soon

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