Cut a small knotch on each side of the heater control rod and you can use a C clip. It's not factory but who's to know.
no not that part, i got that one all figured out, I was more going in the direction of where the control cables themsevles hook up too, I got the defrost and heat cables figured out, I just can't figure out where the middle on goes, it's got deluxe heat no ac. thanks Tony
motor mounts I just swapped a 305eV6 out in favor of a 400 sb. I had to find motormounts out of a v8 truck of the same vintage,although from what I've read here 235 mounts are the same and other straight 6 mounts are correct on the passinger side. I kept the 4 speed but had to find a older bellhousing that used the tranny mounts after that it was all bolting back together other than hoses Good Luck on the project
For the heater cable keepers, go to an Ace Hardware or True Value Hardware store or something similiar in your area. In the hardware/fastener department, they will have yellow trays with specialty fasteners. One of these drawers will have the cable keepers. They are a friction fit and sometimes when removing they will break in half due to their brittleness. I believe, or carry the cable keepers. Good luck with your project.
no not the cables keepers, i got that one figured out..... I need to know which cables hook to which heater control arm. Sorry I think I was being kinda vauge about that one.
i converted my 6 cylinder gmc,to a chevy small block 358.i got v8 mounts off a 70 chevy truck.also trans cross mount,and front stabelizer bar.conversion moves the motor forward 4 inches.i mocked every thing in and bolted it right up.bought a new drive line.the old one wasnt strong one is good to 500 hp.oh yea i dropped in a muncie 4 speed from a 70 chevelle.
for the motor mounts all the holes line up,for the trans.2 holes line up and had to drill 2 new ones.if thats what your asking.
sry mine dont have deluxe heater.i just have one heater knob.pull for heat then turn to the right for 2 speed heater floor,defrost is manualy switched under the dash.