window channel install

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by old blue, Sep 14, 2005.

  1. old blue

    old blue Member

    Apr 5, 2004
    just got my new felt window channels for my 50 3100 from Chevy Duty and am wondering if anyone has some installation tips to pass on. Does the window glass need to come out? To me the channels are pre-bent the wrong way..with the felt channel facing out. Is this to keep them in the guides when you bend it back the correct way with felt facing inward??
    I was also suprised to see the fabric backing coming apart on some areas...shouldn't being doing that should it? Will this hold with some adhesive? It is also my understanding that I won't need to use adhesive to hold the channels in. Sorry for all the questions....want to get it right the first time!!

  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Hi Chuck ;

    Yes , you'll need to remove the inner door frame and the window (now is the good time to paint the frame around the glass) then look inside your door wo ensure the lower tracksare still there as the little hooks on the bottom of each track is where the felt run channel rides , I didn't use any glue and it's fine , you'll prolly need to cut off a little bit of the end but measure twice (or thrice!)
    before cutting as the length is critical to holding it all firmly in place .

    I'd remove and service the door latches now too whilst the door is all apart .

  3. ttcodi

    ttcodi Member

    Mar 4, 2005
    yep, they are bent the wrong way for shipping, I wondered the same thing. You have to bend them opposite very slowly, and they will kink a little too. I flattened the kinked parts with a pair of pliers, just squish it flat again. It sucks getting them worked down in there. I'm not sure how they are supposed to be secured to the door, but I used epoxy. Once I got it in place (I left my windows in because it is tough as hell getting them in the door if the channel is there) I put a bead of epoxy along the top of the channel. (I had the channel about an inch from the edge I wanted it secured to at this point). Then I rolled the window up super tight and squished the channel up into position and let it sit overnight. It worked great, those suckers are secured tightly and the glass is good and snug.
  4. old blue

    old blue Member

    Apr 5, 2004
    Thanks for the info guys...I used a little of both.

    Nate...decided not to take the window out, but I measured thrice!!

    tt....did not use any epoxy, just have it wedged tight although I may change my mind as there is a place or two that could be a little more snug.

    That completes the drivers window...replace felt channel, outer rubber seal and beaded window seal (no staples, pop rivet). What a difference it makes! I also just completed insulating (heat/noise)the cab along with pluggin holes in the firewall and the old truck is even more of a pleasure to drive!!! should have done it years ago.

  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Hi Chuck ;

    Good to hear it went O.K. , wait'll you replace all the door weather stripping and the lower horizontal rubber too as lots of cold air blows up past it and it's gone missing in 95 % of the trucks .

    I just did mine too after lord alone knows how many years and miles of work with the doors rattling like moraccas .

    This year I _swear_ I'm installing a heater ! just to-day I bought a heater gasket kit....

    I still need to take it all apart and bead blast it then paint with the ' just so ' horribly expen$ive paint I got from Eastwood....

  6. old blue

    old blue Member

    Apr 5, 2004
    yea I should have relaced all the weather stripping at the same time...just can't take not driving it!! After replacing the headliner, the ratty old original windlace looks out of place. The generic J.C. Whittless weather stripping needs to go as well. I am going to order a Steele Rubber catalog today...I hear they are the best.

    What the heck you need a heater for in Kaly-fornya? I was making a daily 30-mile commute in my 50 3100 one winter...still had not plugged the 3-speed shifter hole in firewall as well as other asst hole/leaks...had to keep the ice scraper in one hand while shifting and steering with the other....ahh the good ol days!

  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: Heater In California

    Well you all know I'm a Yankee born & bred but I always hated the cold , moreso since I had to work out in it on the farm most of my younger days . I got frostbit on my feet from the wet slush coming through the rusted floorboards of our 4 WD Carryall we plowed snow with , that hurt . more like that , you know how it goes .

    Now I'm just another old man with a rattly pickup truck in Sunny So. Cal. and I've got arthritus and so on , I still like to cruise in the wee hours and anything cooler than 60* or so makes me hurt , plain and simple .

    Be glad you still have the aged windlace , mine is gone missing 25 years ago ! LOL ! .


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