hood alignment-3 point belts

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by ttcodi, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. ttcodi

    ttcodi Member

    Mar 4, 2005
    just put my hood on this weekend and the action of the hood works perfectly, but when it is shut the gap with the body tapers increasingly towards the cab. The rear of the hood that should seat nicely against that rubber strip ends up a good half inch above it. The hinge slots only run front to back.
    How do I get the rear down?

    Also, has anyone put 3 point belts in their truck with bench seats?
    just wondering how they came out.
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    It's a bit of a PIA to adjust the hood but if it was fine before and you didn't remove the hinges the adjustment is there in the holes .

    If you took the hinges off the cab , go to StoveBolt Page and read up on it there as there is a bolt on the hinge inside the cab you must needs adjust to get that hood back down again . it's a common problem and much has been written about it by the body guys .

    Three point seat belts require welding in an third support , this will usually result in paint damage to the ' B ' pillar so beware if you don;t want to repaint or spot in your truck . it's a very good plan to sit in the truck with the belts loose and have a buddy hold the ends up so you can figure out the anchor points as most folks mount the anchors too low for the shoulder part .

    When drilling the floor for the lap belts , measure three times before drilling even once then allow space for gussets , or over sized (like 4" min.) washers for safety .

  3. ttcodi

    ttcodi Member

    Mar 4, 2005
    well I did remove them, I removed every part of the truck.
    Yeah, there are 2 inside the cab and one outside. I had them all loose last night and shut the hood, I was able to push the back down, just not like it used to be.
    I don't know what the problem is.
    I'll have to check out the stovebolt page.
  4. ttcodi

    ttcodi Member

    Mar 4, 2005
    I checked that page out. There is a long article that discusses hood alignment, but most of the solutions involve the types of hood hinges that are on cars, where the mounting surface is on the underside of the hood.
    Obviously these mount on the underside, but it is on the verticle side, so shimming won't help you raise or lower it.
    I had my hinges totally loose and it still wouldn't move down into the proper position.
    I was looking at some pictures from before I took it apart and the darn thing is PERFECT. I don't understand what is different.
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: hood alignment

    Usually it is the weight of the hood causes the hinges to ' rock ' slightly forward , the pressure from the springs also makes alignment difficult , I've not had any AD troubles but on other rigs I had to prop the hood up as far as it'd go then loosen the hinge bolts and the tiny bit of movment it then had fixed the problem .


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