
Discussion in '1955-1959' started by scarab777, Nov 28, 2006.

  1. scarab777

    scarab777 Member

    Oct 18, 2006
    meridian, id
    Hey guys,

    I am about to purchase a wiring kit and just want to know what others have done. I know that classic sells one but want to find the best solution for the money. I want a fuse block for sure so my truck won't burn up in the weeds. Any suggestions would be great!!
  2. gafcob

    gafcob Member

    Apr 26, 2006
    Westminster Colorado
    If and when you start could you let me know how diffacult it is cause I am about ready to rewire my truck also.....depending on whats involved...55 3/4
  3. bassfisher

    bassfisher Member

    Feb 22, 2006
    okc U.S.
    Hi there, not sure on what type of kit you looking at, but I know that painless kits are pre labeled for everything, you just roll out the the wires and go from there. My father in law is putting in one now,think it won't be to hard for him or someone who knows how to read the wires.
    I know that the guys at www.parrautomotive.com sells them in fact, they have a parr brand thats a generic type that would be plenty of circuits for you and lot cheaper too. The wires have all been marked up and down them telling you whats what. Parts #prr9001, suggest a how too wire book also, comes in handy. Hopes this helps.
  4. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    I rewired my '57 GMC with an original type rewire kit for a 55-57 Chevy. Quite a few differences. I helped a buddy wire a rodded '56 Chevy sedan using a Ron Francis kit. If I had it to do again on my truck I would definately use one of the kits from someone like Ron Francis and I'd recommend you do the same unless you plan to be bone stock. Lots of fuse protected circuits, all the wires already connected to the fuse block, a plug containing all wires to connect the under-hood harness to the under-dash harness, wires marked every foot, etc.

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