back with a 54 half-ton

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by tom c, Sep 21, 2005.

  1. tom c

    tom c Member

    Sep 21, 2005
    I'm back after several months being away . I bought a 54 std cab truck . I plan to use a 54 model 235 engine that I have in it as the original is stuck . I plan to use a later model open-drive 3-speed trans , which I also already have .I will use a later 6 lug rearend but don't know what gear ratio I want. Can anybody recommend a gear with a similar setup ?:)
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Fill the cylinders of the stuck engine with Diesel fuel and let it soak , it'll prolly be free again next spring if not sooner .

    Get a 6 lug rear end out of a GM 3/4 ton van with a 350 engine and auto tranny , it should be 3.72 ratio . allowing you good highway speeds with the 235 .

    You'll have to weld new spring perches on it and pay attention when you install is as it's easy to install 180* out and the wheels will be way too far forward in the wheel wells , looks goofy but turns on a dime due to shorter wheel base..

  3. tom c

    tom c Member

    Sep 21, 2005
    I hope I didn't post too soon . I was planning on picking up the truck today , Sept 22 . The seller failed to return my calls . I will drive to where the truck is on Saturday . I hope to still buy the truck .Thanks:(
  4. tom c

    tom c Member

    Sep 21, 2005
    [updated:LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-05 AT 04:28 PM (CST)]At the risk of jinxing the deal , it looks like I'm finally going to get the 54 on Monday the 3rd . The owner is slightly hearing impaired & is reluctant to talk on the phone . I wondered why he wouldn't return my calls . I'm anxious to get the truck & get started on it before colder weather begins.:)
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: 54 half-ton

    Good deal ! let us know if you get it .

    I looked at few '54s before buying my '49 , I really wanted vent windows (I work in the desert a LOT) but I didn't like the modern design of the '54 ` maybe I made a mistake as that big clear windshiled sure is opurty and gives better vision too . plus that car like dashboard is sharp . I read Larry kepheart's missives reularly and he seems quite happy with his .

    Bendix brakes and 5 lug wheels makes things safer and simpler too .


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