How to install the windshield easil

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by acipfeffer, Sep 17, 2005.

  1. acipfeffer

    acipfeffer Member

    Sep 1, 2005
    Hy guys,

    another question another problem !!!

    I should know how to install the windshield of my pickup 1951 ????

    I have a two pieces windshield !!!

    I already had some big problems by removing the windshield , was really tough, so i am a bit afraid of replacing the glasses.

    I hope you can support me with some good ideas for doing a right job .

    THanks a lot

  2. ttcodi

    ttcodi Member

    Mar 4, 2005
    RE: How to install the windshield e

    These windshields were brilliantly designed for maximum frustration during installation.
    You need to seat the glass in it's channel in the rubber off the car. Stuff a length of string in the other channel that seals around the pinchweld, and leave the ends hanging out to grab onto later. Place the whole thing outside in place and then pull the string from the inside to pull the lip around the pinchweld.
    It sucks bad and will suck worse if you are by yourself.
  3. Brian

    Brian Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: How to install the windshield e

    I agree, be sure and have a couple of helpers. The more hands, the less broken glass.
    I am confused why you found removing the windshield to be difficult - it is really easy if you cut the rubber around the windshield inside the cab, and then tear off that piece, and then just push the windshield out. Maybe you tried to save the rubber? If so, forget it, buy new. And I suggest Steele Rubber products, if you want the windshield to not leak.
  4. PakFanWV

    PakFanWV Member

    Apr 20, 2002
    Charleston USA
    RE: How to install the windshield e

    I finally got the courage up to install the new windshield glass I ordered from Chevy Duty, along with the new rubber, of course. After all the other work I've done, I expected this part to be possibly the hardest yet. Not true!
    I installed both glass pieces into the rubber first, then "roped" it. I used (thin) plastic clothes line, THANKS, VWNATE!, and NO lube at all. I placed the new windshield into the opening and gently bumped the corners tight in the hole. I then went inside the cab and pulled the clothes line out with no problem at all! I believe the entire process only took me an hour, and the new glass is fantastic!

    Thanks to everyone's tips, hints and advice on this forum I did this job alone, believe it or not! I sure couldn't - and still can't!
    But here's to everyone who's advice I incorporated into the work - THANK YOU! I love this forum, guys
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: install the windshield

    Glad to hear it went in O.K. , mine was a b*tch lemme tell ya and then it leaks like a screen door too . :(

    Just to day I was out chasing parts for the Metropolitan Nash (it's my rain car) and stopped in to The Trukc Sohp , they had the correct thickness windshiled glsses on sale for $41.00 ea so I bought a pair and will order up the good quality Steele Rubber Products grommet next week as Chevy Duty let me down on this part , the only part I've had any troubles with from them .

    This glass is made in Taiwan (?!)

    Did you use the steel center clothes line or just the plastic one ? .
  6. PakFanWV

    PakFanWV Member

    Apr 20, 2002
    Charleston USA
    RE: install the windshield

    I went ahead and got the kind with the steel "cable" running through it. I figured that way if the line happened to break while pulling it out - in case it was a REALLY tight fit - I could still get the edge of the rubber up enough to pry out any remaining plastic line that may have been otherwise left in the channel. I honestly couldn't believe it when I went back outside after pulling the rope and just VERY slightly bumped in the bottom corners with the heel of my hand! It seemed as if that was all they needed - everything seated correctly the first time, no bulges or bumps anywhere, and it even fit nice and tight at the top center on the outside. I'd read here that if you put it in upside down it would pucker up and make a nice little funnel to take rain water right into the cab for you.
    Anyway, thank you again everyone for all the hints - and I hope my story helps someone else get it done...
  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: Right Side Up ?

    D'OH ! I wonder if I did this on my '49 since it never leaked a drop with the original grommet and cracked glass in there , it now leaks like a sieve and I just bought new glass again , how to tell which way is up on the rubber ? .

  8. PakFanWV

    PakFanWV Member

    Apr 20, 2002
    Charleston USA
    RE: Right Side Up ?

    Nate - sounds to me like that's what may have happened to yours. Here's what I did... and remember, I've NEVER done anything like this before:

    When I took out the old glass and rubber, I got in front of the truck and looked at the windshield setup. Just looked at it to ponder how NOT to put it in upside down. (I didn't want to go through this process twice!) Anyway, the windshield pieces are slanted both backward (relative to the truck) and slightly upward relative to the lowest point on the rubber's center point. Kinda like butterfly wings. When I laid out my new rubber gasket (before putting the glass in it) if you lay it out carfully, place the center of the rubber perfectly flat on a bench or table. When you do that, look carefully at how the outer frame of the rubber wants to come off of it. The TOP (and the bottom for that matter) of the rubber will appear as a very slight " V ", with the rubber again going out and up from what would be the top of the windshield. If it's upside down, it'll look like a " ^ ". This means that when you lay the glass in it and pop it into the window opening there'll be a bit of "extra" rubber that can't be taken up anywhere else in the process, so it'll make that "pucker-out" problem happen and shape a nice little funnel at the top-center of your new glass.
    On the same subject, if you get a piece of windshield rubber, lay it out and it lays perfectly flat, get a new one. That'll cause the same problem - if not worse...
    Hope that helps! That's the best way I can explain it...
    Good luck!
  9. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: Right Side Up ?

    Well ;

    I read this a buncha times and I _STILL_ can't make any sense out of it so I printed it out and will lay it on the hood when I replace the rubber , I need to do this sioon but my other cage is down for repairs so I might be driving a leaky truck all winter again .

  10. PakFanWV

    PakFanWV Member

    Apr 20, 2002
    Charleston USA
    RE: Right Side Up ?

    ____________ ____________
    \ ---------v--------- /
    \ I /
    \ I /
    \________ I ________/

    Ok, that's the best I can do to show you how it should look... with this perspective, you are looking straight on to the windshield. I hope this will help... now remember that the angles in my "drawing" are VERY exaggerated. In real life they will be MUCH more subtle - so look carefully! :D

    (That's what I mean by "butterfly wings"... )
  11. PakFanWV

    PakFanWV Member

    Apr 20, 2002
    Charleston USA
    RE: Right Side Up ?

    Well, THAT didn't work.... I'll try to do an attachment later. Sorry for that goof-up!
  12. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: Windshield Install

    I didn't understand any of that but what the hey , I went ahead and ordered up a nice new rubber from Steele Rubber Co . , as it turns out they don't mention top or bottom orientation but they _do_ have a nifty printable PDF installation sheet you all should go get (free) it makes it look like a normal straight forward installation like I've done many times before .

    Wish me luck ! hopefully no more water leaks .

    I ordered up some windlace and a new cowl vent seal too , will report on them when I install them .

  13. ltcmikem

    ltcmikem Member

    Jul 20, 2005
    RE: Windshield Install

    Nate -

    I've bee to the Steele Rubber Co. web site and scrolled through their online catalog. I wasn't able to find any rubber sets/applications for AD trucks. Scratching my head here... what am I not doing right?

    Mike M
    '27 Chevy
    '41 John Deere B
    '49 GMC FC-150
  14. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: Steel Rubber Co.

    I dunno ~ I had a time with it too , it's prolly simple to computer heads , I clicked on something on the left side menu then it gave me a popup to select my make (Chevy or maybe it was GM trucks) then I had to scroll down through lots and lots of stuff before finding the windshiled rubbers , take your time , if _I_ could find it so can you ! sorry I'm a 'puter dummy and cannot describe well what to do .

  15. ltcmikem

    ltcmikem Member

    Jul 20, 2005
    RE: Steel Rubber Co.

    Thanks Nate... I'll take your truck knowledge and willingness to help us over a bucket full of 'puter savy any day.

    Mike M
    '27 Chevy
    '41 John Deere B
    '49 GMC FC-150
  16. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: Helping Out

    What can I say ? _thanx_ ! :) _YOU_ all have helped me far more than I've given back .

    Please to remember : one hand washes the other .

  17. ttcodi

    ttcodi Member

    Mar 4, 2005
    RE: Helping Out

    The steele rubber site (and catalog for that matter) are both
    set up very poorly. They are confusing and tough to use.
    your better off just calling and telling the guy what you need.
  18. ltcmikem

    ltcmikem Member

    Jul 20, 2005
    RE: Helping Out

    After considerable effort I've figured out how their site works. I concur, a call is the easiest way to access their info... and the only way I'd place an order.

    Mike M
    '27 Chevy
    '41 John Deere B
    '49 GMC FC-150
  19. gmc55

    gmc55 Member

    Apr 30, 2014
    !955 1st chevy/GMC truck windshield

    I found the windshield rubber seal diagram at Steele Rubber products that shows the correct orientation. There are 3 pictures, one is the orientation. The section of the seal with the smaller/single outside lip goes on the bottom.
  20. Sitesg419

    Sitesg419 Member

    Apr 24, 2014
    Charlotte, NC

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