Hey guys, I've cheated on you!

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Kens 50 PU, Jan 29, 2007.

  1. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Ok, I admit it! I've cheated on you! On occasion, I've strayed to the 1955-1959 forum on this site. My buddy, Bill Hanlon posted a thread about 1959 GMC vs Chevy trim. Me being Mr. Know-it-all, i put my 2 cents in. Bill came back with a reply, website reference and some very sound advise about our hobby, passion, obcession, whatever you want to call it. I think the world of you guys and feel that i would be remiss if I didn't demand that all of you guys go to the 55-59 forum and read Bill's thread. We have a tendency to take things for granted at times, especially when it comes to safety, so endulge me and read the thread! I thank you in advance for your cooperation!
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2007
  2. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN

    I read about Pee Wee. All I could think of was how lucky I have been while working on the farm and stuff. My dad raised me preaching safety all the time and I try to do the same for my son. I usually get hurt when I am tired or get in too big a hurry. I hope you all read his story.
  3. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Holy cow! I can't stand it when my kids come up to me and say, "Mr. Hanney, Mr. Hanney! Look! My tooth is loose!" (When you're a kid, that's okay- when you're an old fart, teeth just aren't supposed to DO that!) I could not imagine the horror of knowing you had set off your own death with a simple twist of a wrench! I assume the truck stopped when it backed into his garage?
    Crap! You just won't win going up against metal OR concrete!
    Thanks for cheating on us big brother!
  4. 54chevtruck

    54chevtruck Member

    Nov 16, 2006
    West Chester,PA
    Ha Ken I feel so cheap You may have some valid points for leaving us But next time keep it to yourself. God help you if Nate hears about it. Next thing you know you will be posting about restoring and things Shame on you Ken Shame on you. I for one can forgive your moment and understand the other site trying to draw you in But just remember which side your bread is buttered on
  5. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    You Feel Cheap?

    What about me? I'm so ashamed, that I lurked on the site all day long in anonymity hoping that i would hear one supportive comment. I'm sure that Boop's Dad is on his way to Houston even as we speak to paint a huge red "A" on my forehead! Please forgive me. I know i'm weak, but my heart's in the right place.
  6. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    If he uses the same paint as used on Boop's truck you'd probably look better.
  7. Kevin's 48

    Kevin's 48 Member

    Aug 7, 2006
    Hey Ken that was a great story that you led us to. It just reminds us all how quickly and easily our lives could change forever. I have had a few close calls myself with almost dropping a couple of cars off of my lift at work. I have almost burnt one to the ground as well. Mistakes can happen so just take all cautions possible to keep you and whoever may be working with you safe. I know that Andy's accident could have definately changed his life dramatically if he had lost that finger. It would be hard to get back into the swing of being a chiropractor after losing a finger you know. So guys be careful with these old trucks (or any car you work on for that matter).
  8. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Where Is It ?

    O.K. , I'm a 'puter dummy , I went to the Task Force forum and looked at two pages , didn't see any special post and I don't have the time to read every one so how about a link please ? .

    As far as safety , every mechanic has his stories ,I narrowly escaped death several times when I was rushing a job .

    When I was working @ L.A.X. fixing Police cars , across the driveway from us was a TWA shop and they were really cutting the labor force so one night there was only one mechanic working and he had a luggage conveyor powered by a Ford 300 C.I. Inline 6 banger (torque monster) , it kept stalling out so he wired the governor open and began tinkering on it , the conveyor caught his coverall and dragged him to a very painfull death , that's where the morning shift found him , all chewed up inside the pulleys .

    I now work in a large truck shop next to an Asphalt mixing plant , some years ago a welder climbed inside the big drum to re-attach some cracked paddles , another guy came on duty and ripped the red tags off the power box and fired it up , not even bothering to take a walk 'round or he'd have seen the open acess hatch with welding cables snaking inside ~ I can only imagine the welder's horror as he hear it begin to fire up , no way to crawl back out in time , there wasn't anything left of him to take out .:eek:

    I could fill pages with these stories .

    Don't forget the link and -please- work safely guys .
  9. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    Nate: This is the link.


    Once you get there scroll down and click on

    "I was run over by my own truck!"
  10. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Thanx Bill !

    Yowch ! .

    I know a couple stories like that too ~ one was a guy working on a Cornbinder
    two speed axle when it started and drove the duals over his hips & back....

    He lived amazingly enough . that was back in New Hampshire and was the only time the stinking truck ever started instantly ....but of course :mad:

    Nice site , even has The Blues on it ! :D
  11. mel 55_1

    mel 55_1 Member

    Apr 1, 2004
    Wow... that is one painful story!!

    I'm always keen to learn from others and I'm going to remember that one.
  12. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    Well, Nate got it started.
    There was this fellow that backed his rig up to a fueling station before daylight. The mechanic had worked on the fueling pump that ran off a PTO. The guard was left off the PTO shaft and, when the guy was doing his walk around he leaned over the frame of the truck just far enough for the shaft to catch his shirt tail. It broke his neck in an instant.
    While I was engineering the PTO shaft for my old dump truck I did a lot of research cause I had to build the bearing blocks up and get the proper angles and such. I came across this story and, since it was safety related, they even had photos.
    Of course, I have known of several cases where farmers have broken their arms on old post hole diggers that either didn't have shft guards or they had been removed. PTO shafts are man eaters so be careful out there if you are ever near one. In fact, I'm surprised that the Pee Wee incident didn't include getting caught up in the drive shaft.
  13. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    _I_ Didn't Start ANYTHING !

    ...I was responding to the Pee-Wee story :rolleyes:

    So now I prolly shouldn't tell you about the mechanic who was ' too busy ' to deflate the tire he needed to remove off the forklift @ work (when I worked downtown) ~ forklift wheels are bolt up deals that use tubes so there's two sets of fasteners , one holds the wheel Assy. to the brake hub and the other set of fasteners holds the halves on the wheel to-gether , you're supposed to turn the clamping fasteners -in- so you cannot unscrew the wrong ones by mistake .

    Of course some other boob has installed the wheel incorrectly so our hero here just grabbed his impact and undid about 1/3 of the (wrong) nuts before the wheel exploded in his face , imagine a 1/4" wheel with 150 # of air
    pressure hitting your face ~ it digs right through your skin until it hits the bone and if you're " lucky " (this guy was) it only scrapes your entire face off , like a gory halloween mask....

    He survived , some of the other guys had to transfer out , they couldn't work there anymore after that .

    Are you still going to do that brake job this weekend with your truck up on cinder blocks ? . :eek:
  14. brit 50

    brit 50 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    Essex England, the motherland
    ok you asked for it!

    Even silly jobs can catch you out, years ago a guy over here had all but finished his ride except for the radio aerial, so he picks up a drill with a 1/4 inch bit in it and stands against the front fender and positions the bit where he wants it, then squeezes the trigger. I must point out that he didnt bother to put any tape on the nice new shiny waxed paint and as he pulled the trigger the bit dances straight across the top of the fender in his direction, in a split second the bit, still spinning as this was before before battery drills and electonic brakes, comes off the fender and into him, now the make you wince bit, the fender top was about trouser belt height so the bit dances off the wing and goes downward and through his trousers (pants to you guys) at zipper level and then the bit winds itself into a testicle just as it comes to a stop, so he is now standing there screaming in agony with a power drill implanted in his wedding tackle! had to wind it out by hand and drive to the emergency ward and then come home few days later missing one ....... well you can imagine.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2011
  15. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Thanks Brit- I started coiling up as soon as I saw where your story was going. I guess the idea is... Have your mother-in-law do all your auto work.

    By the way- speaking of pain-

    Colts 31 Bears 9

  16. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Is it Monday already?

    Did i sleep through the Superbowl? Pretty gutsy prediction, little bro. You don't go to Vegas, do you?:D
  17. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia

    Forget about horror movies. These stories aren't going to let me sleep at night.:eek: Thank God with me it was only a finger...and I even still have all of it!!!:D

  18. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    Yeah, I know a guy who knows a guy that drilled a hole in his johnson. Ever since he has gone by the nickname "Sprinkler Head".

    Colts 28 Bears 24

  19. brit 50

    brit 50 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    Essex England, the motherland
    Prediction, it will go down to the wire but Bears will nick the win, wish you guys would sort out your time zones, gotta stay up half the night necking beer and peanuts!!! lifes a b.....
    Iolite portable vaporizer
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2011
  20. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Some Prediction !

    As it turned out , I came out of the scrapyard (parts hunting) and stopped for lunch @ The Golden Rat On A Stick Chinese Ptomaine palace down the road and saw the Tip Off , I saw that Bears touchdown and thought ' that's that ! ' ~ imagine my surprise hours later when I came out of the shower @ SWMBO's place in time to see the last 4 minutes.....

    # 1 Son won $15.00 and narrowly missed hitting the spread for BIG $ .

    C'est La Vie .

    Who the hell knows what those wacky Floridians were thinking , starting the game @ 6:00 PM local time.... I figured it'd begin @ Noon PST .



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