I am getting closer and closer to the finish of my truck. I have a 260 engine with a 3 speed with granny gear transmision. The shifter is on the floor. It looks like someone cut a hole in the trany cover plate to let the shifter and upper part of the trany through the floor. I have put some pictures in the photo area so you can see what I am talking about. My question is, could you get one of these new like this or is this not standard? I think you could get the 260 but I don't know that for sure. Another question is can you get a fllor mat that would go around the shifter?
I believe someone has cut a hole in one made for a column shift. You can get a fiberglass tranny cover from CP that has the hump and the hole in the right place for you floor shift. There are some recent posts on here about how hard it is to find an original in good shape. I used the fiber glass one and it fits and works fine. And yes, you can also get the right floormat from CP. Your truck is looking really good. Thanks for the pics. Gater