looking for a 235 upgrade?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by millerd, Oct 17, 2005.

  1. millerd

    millerd Member

    Apr 17, 2003
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: 235 For Sale

    Looks good to me , price and location info ? that's a Task Force ('55 ~ '59) engine right ? _the_ one to have guys , don't let this one slip away .

  3. millerd

    millerd Member

    Apr 17, 2003
    RE: 235 For Sale

    Yep, this is a Task Force engine, from a 1958 Fleetside. Comes with everything, ready to drop into your truck. Price is reasonable: I want to see this engine go to someone who wants to put this in a truck. So, minimum of $ 100, then to higest bid with your word that this will go in your truck. 87 K on the odometer. Engine comes with a "new in box distributor" which I purchased before I decided to "resto-rod" with an LS1. Has rebuilt carb, new coil, spark plug wires. Everything. Running when I pulled it, have video. Located in Upstate NY, 1/2 hour south of Syracuse. OK, lets hear from you and get this done. Best regards, David
  4. Bossman

    Bossman Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    McMinnville USA
    RE: 235 For Sale

    I will probably be interested if I can't get this '62 running in my '49 1 1/2 ton flatbed. I have a posting just above about it. Can this one be set up to run on 6 volts? I know I might be better off just biting the bullet and converting over to 12, but I was hoping to keep it a bit more original looking. Any idea how much it would cost to ship to Oregon? and how long are you going to be entertaining bids?

  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: 235 For Sale

    Bossman ;
    YES , just bolt your flywheel to it and you're off and running on 6 volts using your original starter etc. (be sure to polish the timing marks with steel wool)

    Shipping the engine will be simple if it's banded to a pallet on it's left side , tape up the carby with duct tape to keep out dirt & insects..

    Ship the air filter seperatley else it'll get stolen for sure .

  6. millerd

    millerd Member

    Apr 17, 2003
    RE: 235 For Sale

    Hello Bossman, Nate's information (below)is good. Give me a zip code, let me know if you want it shipped to a commercial or residence address; I'll try to find an estimate of the cost from Syracuse, NY. Did not really want to get into shipping but I'll entertain offers. I have someone coming by to pick up my truck's re-done seat on Nov. 6, he might take the engine if I haven't found it a home by then. I've attached a photo of the engine, currently it's attached to a 4-speed w/handbrake (from my '58 3/4. All is original except for oil lines from filter to block. 87k miles on odometer, runs well, rebuilt carb, new fuel pump and coil, dist. wires - I throw in a new distributer with the deal. Clutch slipping, will need to be replaced. The engine is solid, took a video of it running right before I lifted it out. As I stated earlier, I ran the truck till I just pulled the engine to put in a Mustang 2 suspension and an LS1.


  7. millerd

    millerd Member

    Apr 17, 2003
  8. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: NOT FAIR !

    Sniffle whine snivel ~

    Why the heck are you in New Yak when I'm stuck out here 3,200 miles away ? I'd grab this in a heartbeat , scrub then oh so carefully paint it grey , slap some nice " Blue Flame " and other decals on it here and there and drop it into my '49 .

    Jeezo-peezo it's a 12 volt pedal start 235 ~ just what every 216 equipped trucker wants & needs .

    Cheap too .

  9. Bossman

    Bossman Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    McMinnville USA
    RE: 235 For Sale

    Sorry for the delay in responding. I have been working on a movie shoot in Scotts Mills. I am an extra in the background. It's neat because the time is set in 1946 and they have decked the town out in gravel roads and a plethora of 1930's and early 1940's cars andc trucks. Kind of a dream for Stovebolters. My zip code is 97128. The city is McMinnville, OR. It would ship to a residence, but I have a cherry picker and a tractor with a bucket I can use to help get it off the truck. I have had big stuff delivered here several times since I have a small farm. I appreciate the offer to help arrange the shipping. Depending on how much the shipping is, I would definitely be interested in getting the engine. Did I see it has a 12 Volt foot starter on it? I see it has the other things I need like the oil filter can. It looks like it would clean up real nice. I agree with painting it gray. That's what I had in mind.
    Let me know on the shipping.

  10. Bossman

    Bossman Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    McMinnville USA
    RE: 235 For Sale

    I woke up this morning and was looking closer at the 2nd photo and realized the tranny (3 speed?) and clutch housing are also attached. Did you intend on including them? I really don't need them as I have a 4 speed and a perfectly good housing. I think you said the clutch was slipping. You could remove those if you wanted and sell or trade them to someone who needed them and it wouldn't hurt my feelings. It would also reduce the shipping weight.
  11. millerd

    millerd Member

    Apr 17, 2003
    RE: 235 For Sale

    Hello Bossman, the tranny is a 4 speed, I can pull it to save postage. I'll talk with a freight company on monday to get an estimate. For shipping I'd plan to drain oil, remove carb and oil filter can and lay it (padded)on the manifold side on a pallet. Then wrap it well packing in the carb and oil can with it. I'll let you know what the estimate is. I am getting an engine and transmision from Michigan this coming week, freight was a flat rate $225 via R&L Trucking, a national concern. Cross country will be more, could be $ 300-400. But I'll know monday and get back to you. David Miller (millerd@cortland.edu)
  12. Bossman

    Bossman Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    McMinnville USA
    RE: 235 For Sale

    Thanks, Dave. I managed to get mine running yesterday and it doesn't sound too bad. If the shipping comes in reasonable, I would still be interested.
  13. millerd

    millerd Member

    Apr 17, 2003
    RE: 235 For Sale (with shipping an

    Hello Bossman, glad that you got your engine running, also thanks for posting the solution. I checked around with a host of truck freight companies. Estimates ran from $350 to $550 to get the engine on a pallet to your place.You may want to go online to check if you can do better.I learned a lot in the process so am posting the information below. In any event, this seems like a lot of money to me, especialy since you now have an engine running in the truck. But let me know, what you think; I'd like to see it in 48 so if you are still interested, it's yours for whatever we can get it shipped for and a meal if I ever get out west to see your ride. Best regards, David

    Notes on shipping:
    A used engine is "category 85", it's cheaper to send it crated, next cheapest to send it on pallet. Residential delivery to residential delivery by truck with lift gate is more expensive; If you load it up and take the engine to a shipper and then if it is picked at a freight warehouse it's cheapest. A google search of truck freight companies will come up with several shipping companies with freight calculators. But - and this is important - make sure all the factors (residential, lift gate yes or no, etc. are part of the estimate. Most sites give a number to call to confirm all elements. They will email a written estimate.
  14. Bossman

    Bossman Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    McMinnville USA
    RE: 235 For Sale (with shipping an

    Good Morning, Millerd. You are right. That is a lot of money. Like VWNate said, its a shame you aren't on the West coast. I would drop by and pick it up. I guess I will have to pass it up but it sure looks like someone on the other end of the country has a solution waiting for their problem if they get this one. I am sure you won't have any trouble finding a home for it. Thanks for going to all the effort to find out what the shipping would cost. Good luck with your project. You are still welcome to drop by for the meal if you ever get out here. I owe you that for the effort.
  15. Just Learning

    Just Learning Member

    Mar 6, 2005
    RE: 235 For Sale (with shipping an

    I don't live too far away from you... that 235 would fit in my 52 3/4 ton, wouldn't it. Mine is now a 216 with a four speed. Have you sold it? Or what's the bidding at now?

  16. millerd

    millerd Member

    Apr 17, 2003
    RE: 235 For Sale (with shipping an

    Eric, I have had some interest, but the engine is still up for grabs. If you are willing to pick it up, I will sell it for $ 150; this includes a new-in-box distributor which is variously priced at from $ 50 to $ 100. I have a loader at home and can get it into a truck bed. This engine will work in your truck; it's in good shape, has a newly rebuilt carb, new coil, spark plugs and wires, etc. The clutch is slipping, but that's the only issue that I am aware of. I need to make space in the garage, so let me know and we'll get this done. best, David
  17. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: 235 For Sale CHEAP !

    Eric ;

    You'll need to remove the front plate off your old 216 then it'll be a drop in deal , strip off the acessories and spray paint it original grey then re-attach all the acessories and it'll look as well as it will ZIP your old truck on down the road ! .


    You may be able to make a few $$ selling off the extra bits & pieces

  18. Just Learning

    Just Learning Member

    Mar 6, 2005
    RE: 235 For Sale (with shipping an

    David, I would love to buy it for $150, especially if you have a loader at home to get it in the back of the truck. Should it just sit in the back of the truck, or should I bring something to steady it in some particular fashion?

    Do you know -- can I hook it up to my 1952 4 speed transmission, or should I use the one you have on it?

    Anyway, my personal email is herlan@suscom-maine.net. Perhaps you should email me there so I can get your address and phone number and we can schedule when I should drive over.


  19. millerd

    millerd Member

    Apr 17, 2003
    RE: 235 For Sale

    Eric, I've received your message and will contact you with info via your email address. David
  20. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    RE: Which Tranny

    Eric ;

    Since your '52 prolly has a Torque Tubr , you'll be re-using it on this engne , it'll bolt right up , no mods needed . when buying the new clutch disc , take the one from _your_ tranny in to match as the splines may be different .


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