How to convert back to foot starter?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Guest5979, Feb 20, 2007.

  1. Guest5979

    Guest5979 Guest

    Feb 18, 2007
    The 52 had an original foot starter and somebody took the foot starter off and put a solenoid with a push button under the dash. Would I be able to remove the solenoid and put the old foot starter back on or would I have to replace the starter??
    Thanks Robert
  2. raycow

    raycow Member

    Feb 19, 2007
    No, you can't put the foot-operated switch on a starter that was originally intended for a solenoid. You will need an original type starter and all the linkage if you don't presently have it. Also, make sure you have the stock bellhousing, or else you won't have a place to bolt the linkage to.

  3. Guest5979

    Guest5979 Guest

    Feb 18, 2007
    Hey thanks alot Ray. I'll have to look into that starter thing then.

  4. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    jimbo59chevy is selling a complete foot starter linkage on ebay. Pull up the site, go to advanced search, type in his user name and hit list items and you will see it. All you then need is an original starter that fits your particular ring gear. Not hard to find. Also, just looked and he has a starter as well. Looks like it will need to be rebuilt but also not hard to have done.

    Last edited: Feb 22, 2007
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Be aware there's two different set of pedal starters top fit your 235 engine ~
    a 6 volt one and a 12 volt one .

    Usually one can fond the starter in a swap meet junkbox for $5.00 of source for cheap/free from a hot rodder who took it out , this way if you get the wrong one (will make horrible meshing noise when you use it) you can then get the other one......

    I've _still_ not done this on my poor old '49 , I found a dead 12 volt Task Force and ripped the pedal starter off it and a dead 6 volt Advance Design and took it's 6 volt starter so one or t'other will work when I ever get the time to stop and try it ....

    BTW : you can run a 6 volt starter on 12 volts just fine , keep your engine in tune so you're not grindiong away for two minutes.....

    I hope this helps...

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