spindle bushing removal/replace

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by edwin wells, Mar 1, 2007.

  1. edwin wells

    edwin wells Member

    Apr 29, 2005
    Hello All,

    I am one of those guys who tunes in regularly to read but rarely posts. I want to thank you (especially Nate) for all of the great info I have learned. My question is... I have bought a kingpin set for my 51 3/4 ton and want to know how to remove my old spindle bushings and how to replace them. Are there any home remedies or do I need to go to a machine shop to have the old ones removed and new ones installed. Thanks in advance-

  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Spindle Bushings

    The bushings are floating IIRC so they're not terribly difficult to remove but once installed , the new ones should really be reamed to suit , some times you'll find it all fits to-gether nicely though , be sure to line up the grease holes else you'll be replacing them in 5 years again...

    It is possible to ream them @ home but I think it's easier to just take the bits to your local machine shop and have them install and ream as needed to fit your King pins....

    When you re-assemble , remember : the thrust washer goes on top , the shims go below or they'll quickly wear out from the load .

    I don't have my AD shop manual here but this is usually well illustrated in factory shop manuals and for $20.00 you cannot go wrong , look at the pix , read the text , talk the job through with the guys here and you should be fine , " I did it MYSELF ! " is always a good feeling plus a bragging point when the checkbook crowd shows up ;)
  3. edwin wells

    edwin wells Member

    Apr 29, 2005
    Thanks Nate - I'm on it!

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