Hello room. Been awhile. Just letting all know that April 28th is deadline for the truck. 4 years in the making. Check out the new pics and look for page eleven when I get it done. http://www.clgw.net/~tonyp/Truck images/motor& Firewall.jpg
Appreciate the feedback. Sorta like someone telling you that your kid is well behaved. Will post the finished pics after the Garrett Short Truck and Car Show. Location is Kennett, Mo. April 28th.
Sorry about the 1 picture. Has been awhile since I was here. This is the link to see from start to now. http://www.clgw.net/~tonyp/The Beginning.htm
Thanks for sharing your story. You can be sure I will look at the pics often as I work on Sparky, a brown 55.1 (no doubt a cousin of Rusty.) You have a very nice truck and I know you are proud of your project. Sully
Dont know if you guys can see the results of the poll so far. Seems keep it orginal all the way and modify it all are tied for last. Modify but keep orginal look ahead by over 30%.
"As a FAITHFUL FOLLOWER of brother's John church..." I think i know who the two votes for or-rig-in-al are... I won't nate names though...
Well just a small note to all those that voted orginal. I do have some left over parts, would love to ship them somewhere for cost of shipping only or if ever in the hometown of Sheryl Crow (Kennett, MO) stop by and get them.
okay- I tried to do some school work, but this place kept calling me back- I GOTTA' go to bed! But before I do, where is Kennett, MO? I'm in SE Kansas- and to lazy/tired to find my Rand McNally... I might just come over when school's out and help you with your ride! (If you'd need a cheap wine drinkin' yayhoo to help you that is...) This offer is only good if you're in SW MO. I am absolutely to cheap to drive any further... (I have to save my money for my ride yahknow...)
Hey Teach, I love the firewall. This is the next step for mine, atleast body work that is. Did you make it yourself or is it a bought firewall? Also how deep is the offset and how much room is between the firewall and the engine? I was thinking about going with a 4in offset. Should be enough for the motor and not take up to much leg room. Did you have to put a very big hump in the floor or maybe not one at all? Hopefully this weekend if the weather is right mine will be done. If so I'll post pics.
Hard to get any farther SW in MO. I'm located a good stone throw from AR. Roughly 50 miles south of Polar Bluff. More than welcome to stop in. April 28 is a local truck and car show started last year for Garrett Short, a young man (12) who died in an accident. Money raised is given as scholarships.
Awesome! I'll be there! all the work I've done around my house, my wife just found out how she can repay me! Guess I'll be meeting a fellow teacher- I promise I won't challenge you, I only teach third grade... That will be post-MAP also! NOW I can go to bed. Parent/teacher conference times this week.
Hello kevin, I wish I had the knowledge to build the stuff, but bought all my parts right here from Chevy Duty (Classic Parts). I found them under the street rod parts. (Sorry Nate). I ordered the firewall and the floor kit. You will need the hump for the tranny. The cleareance is roughly about 2 inches from distributor and the back of the firewall. You won't miss any leg space. Looking forward to seeing the pics
Is the hump in the floor board or the toe board? I know these trucks didn't have a hump in the floor but they also didn't have V8's and sitting on a more modern chassis either. I'm not the knowledgable one ( I think) but my dad can build anything out of anything. He is teaching me the tricks of fabrication. What better way to learn than to just do it and that's what dad is making me do with mine. Of course under his suppervision so he can tell me if I screwed something up and how to fix it.
The hump is in the floor board. The floor kit and the firewall fit nicely. Firm believer that doing it yourself would be less costly, but time and knowledge shot be out of the water. Running a 350/350 under mine so had to go custom firewall and floor.
Definately answers my question. I knew the firewall had to go back at least four inches and I had to put a hump in the toe board, but I wasn't sure about the floor. Thanks I'll definately put the hump in. Better safe than sorry right?