That is perfect. I'm going with bucket seats and a center console so you'll never see the hump in the floor of mine. Thanks for the pic, they are worth more than words can say you know.
to hump or not to hump... I'm not sure how, (I'm planning on finding out) but there's a guy here in town that has a 54 that he put a 350/350 combo in without the firewall or hump changes. The cap's close, but not too close, and the fan has about 1 1/2" of space. I have a 54 frame, so believe me- I will find out (and post) where he put his motor mounts!
? " Daily Fiver " ? That's when you're driving an old StoveBolt 216/235 that has a dead cylinder....... -Nate
NO Floor Hump This is done by using the AMC front clip , it allows the engine to sit a little bit lower between the frame rails ~ amazing stuff , I don't want to hack -my- truck up but I do go look at some of the hot rods... -Nate
I figured it out... The nameless person voting for all original is voting that way every time he logs on! It's up to 3 now which is exactly how many times this person has logged on since this thread hit the page. - or whatever- All I can say is, I've just voted once. Hump in the floor- Back to that 54 I've seen. Honest engine- It's an original frame, stock suspension, (there you go Nate- even still has the d-r-u-m brakes) power steering to the outside of the frame. The engine is setting in a CP motor mount, and so is the tranny. The cap is close to the wall, but not too close, and the fan has plenty of room to get the belts around it. I have no idea about the tilt of the engine other than it "looks" right. Like I say, I'll take my tape and a closer look and let you know more later. In the mean-time, see me grin?
The cleareance issue with the fan was solved by buying a short stemmed water pump. I also thought about going electric fan, but short water pump worked.
Keep the looks modify to make daily Driver. is way ahead with 65% of us thinking the same way. 15% for all orgianl..15% for all modified..5% no comment..that 1 shocked me coming from this forum. Reason I modified was that I wanted to drive daily and not always worry about something going wrong then waiting a week for a part to come in. My two oldest now drive an I wanted disc brakes, ( Not like they have a chance of driving it.) So I respect the ones that gave input on the poll, each to his own. Remember life doesn't have a rewind so let's have fun.
ok, ok, i'll admit it. i was the other vote for original. even though i have a different rear end and a 235, i still consider my truck fairly original. i don't have a 350/350 and EFI, and it can still be a daily driver!! (mine isn't, but it could be) and it's very easy to work on. that's why i love her!! jon
oh, and there's not many left like they were, either (driving around on the street, anyway), so it's kinda unique in it's originality - but to be fair, i did sort of technically modify with the 235 and faster rear. jon
Went again to see truck this morning, The guages where in. Something bothered me since I didn't know, maybe some of you guys can help..Which side does the speed od. go..the other guage has oil, water,fuel.etc. For some reason they seemed backward, I guess I'm to used to looking right in the middle.
Gauges on left, Speedo on right According to the owner's manual I just looked at on
Well then, I quess the guy is a pro. That is exactly like he had them.I think it looked strange to see two ivory spheres in there where nothing has been for so long. Hopefully will be no more delays (running board). Has anyone noticed that the right running boards are usually in worse shape?. Any reason why?
Ok The King of Original '54 is back I was away at a conference then went with friends to Key West,FL. for a bit. Saint Patrick's day in Key West But that's a matter for a another post on a different internet site I Vote keep them all original even with my 6 volt. As far as your running board question seems like almost all you find are a issue and the aftermarket ones are junk in most cases Fit is even worse. Good Luck with the deadline. Look forward to looking at photo's from the show in April
Appreciate the good luck. It seems one thing leads to another when doing these AD trucks. Hopefully I will have time to sort through the stuff left over. Remember Spring is here and I need to clean out the shop to make room when I get "?"--still no name back. Anyone coming to MO more than welcome to stop in. I do know I have two rad supports. I bought the one from CP.