Hey Robin, How's it going with all the work this weekend? It IS this weekend, isn't it? Wish I was there. Andy
Yahhh, come on! You can type and swill beer at the same time, can'tcha? I've checked this thing and checked this thing, but no daily progress report! That's either good or bad- the suspense is killin' me!
OK, The excitement has ended At least for now. We have lots of pics of the step by step progress. It has been a long but great weekend. Pics will be posted soon, so I want spoil the suprise by telling what we got completed. Now Ken might let the cat out of the bag, but not untill sunday because he is here in Rusk for the night and will be traveling home in the AM. We had a great time, I'm sure I don't need to tell you fellows this, but, Ken is DA MAN. It might be better if he posts the progress, he tells things better than I do. If all of you are as great as Ken i'd love to meet you and hopefully someday I will. In the two days we worked on the Boops truck a total of about 23 hours and made great progress.... I think I'll let the suspense build a little. I've got to get more prepared for Sunday services... Maybe I can get the Boop to post , Now that would be great, her first post.. Ken even got a BIG HUG for all his hard work... AND I got a hug and a "Thank you daddy, I really love you"... MEN, That's worth the whole world to me... More later, maybe by the Boop Chime in and let her know you want to hear about it from her TB'sD
Does the Boop know how to write? You're kidding me!!! The Boop knows how to write and type, too??? We would all love to read a post by her. Andy
What's been Happinin Hello, my name is Kristen and my dad(as you all know as the boopster's dad) has been wanting me to post something so, here it goes... First I wanna start out by saying, WOW!! Ken and my dad did a wonderful job and got so much done this weekend. I was shocked that they got the whole front end on, i thought it would take more time than that getting it all adjusted and everything. I didn't get to help much friday cause i had a birthday party i had to go to, but i was here a little while and here's what i know of what they did. Before they got started Ken gave me a pair of Betty Boop dice to hang in my truck, they are soo cute, Thank You Ken!!! The first thing they did was go to Wayne's (were all of my dads "spare" trucks are down the road) to make some measurements. When they came back they measured and measured and since I'm doing this post i can put any of the pics on here that i want, hehe. So the first pic is of them measuring and discussing where to start. They got out the plasma cutter (which Ken thought was so slick, lol)and cut off the ends of the frame equal and then welded a plate to both of them and then one in the middle to support the radiator i think...I'm not exactly sure about all this but i've gotta tell everything that was done or pretty close to it. They cut the inner fenders to fit around the frame and mounted them and the radiator brace on. They worked till around 11 o'clock that night and there was a lot more involved than what i said here, they had to measure and get everything perfect and lined up just right. Saturday mornin they started at 7:30, they put the fender braces on and the rock guard on the bottom. We put all the anti squeak rubber on and cut the fender welting. We put the first fender on and then realized that the inner and outer fenders had to be attached before we put them on so we had to take it all back off and put the fenders together. so the picture of them both down by the front fender is Daddy and Ken realizing they have to take it all back off, lol. But they said the hard part was figuring out where to put it all so it wasn't that bad putting it back on. After they had both fenders on we put the welting on and tightened it all up and boy did it look good. Then they had to put the Park lights in the grill and they used books and the internet and all their resources to try and figure out how to make them look right, and my dad ended up grinding off the corner of the light that's under the edge of the grill to make them fit and look good...shhhh don't tell. Josh, my brother, helped them put the grill on. And then we spent time just tightening everything up and getting it all adjusted right and we had to put the braces under the fenders. Then they put the hood on but i was inside cookin so i didn't see that part but it looked real good when i went out there and we have a whole truck... now we just gotta adjust the hood and put on the running boards and then do some little stuff and it will be on the road, believe me. It looks so beautiful and shiny and that chrome grill and everything looks so good!!! I can't wait to wash it now and make it shine even more . I want to thank you for coming to help us Ken, I appreciate it so much and it was lots of fun. We got so much done with your help. And my dad is awesome to, I am the luckiest girl in the whole world to have a dad that would do this much for me, and not just on my truck, he is great and just won't admit it...I love him so much. I do read y'alls post on here and enjoy them and laugh at them, lol, no really thanks for all the input and info... i'll have to do like 10 more posts to put all the pictures on here that i want y'all to see. But I guess thats all for now, I'll ttyl. more pictures later ~The Boopster~
We can't take all the credit Ken and I had a great time as said before but we can't take all the credit. Even though we did much of the detail and tedious work someone else pitched in and helped. Now she didn't get to be with us all the time because she had to go to a birthday, help her mom, cook meals for us (and clean up) she spent as much time helping as possible. She is a doll and worth more than an old truck could ever be. Let me say also that Ken is a one of a kind person. He drove hours without knowing really what he was getting his self into. Wouldn't let me pay for anything, got up early and stayed up late all out of the goodness of his heart. The Boop did help but didn't want to be in the pictures but I caught her in one but she wouldn't show her face. Here she is helping. Let me show also my son's classic position ... Just funnin. He helped for a little while we were attempting to install the grill. He's a great blessing but not much interested in old trucks except his 1987 LWB Chevy. TB'sD... I'll let the Boop post all the rest of the job, we all had a great time.
Totally AWESOME!!! I am so happy for you, Boop and TB'sD! I know you still have a ways to go, but you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, anyway! Thanks you for your first post, Boop- you sound as knowledgable about these old trucks as anyone! DON'T RUSH IT- but you are going to make some young man very, VERY happy!! As far as Ken goes... You are an awesome feller, Ken. You did what alot of us would have liked to. You should know we all give you a big THUMBS UP! May someone be there for you when you need help. This site is just too cool. I logged on somewhere early last fall and have seen this site go from good advice and great humor to this. I bet it was an easy sermon for you, huh, TB'sD? Keep the pics and posts coming. I feel like a proud father.
Let me narrate! The pictures from left to right (and Boop left this part out). She had been trying to get a nut on a bolt for probably 10-15 minutes behind the grill, Dad was harressing her, I was under the passenger side putting the fender brace on, and i hear "Daddy, I can't get the nut on". "Baby, you better get it on because if you don't, the whole grill will come flying off the truck when you're driving down the road". I'm busting a gut under the wheel well and they're fussin' at each other! Josh, hereinafter referred to as "the persuader" can make anything fit. When we tried to fit the grill, we needed about an inch getting it to fit. (Repop Taiwansee stuff-quoting Dad). The persuader crawled under the driver's side and, low and behold, we got the inch!
This is what it is all about. Spurred on by you guys I finally got my 12 year old to help me bolt down the bed wood this weekend. I was using him as a set of hands, trying to do all the manuevering myself. It wasn't long before he said, "Dad, let's change places. I think I can do that." Sure enough, he got into it and stayed for the duration. We got all the main bolts in and now all I lack is the bolts that go between the main rails. This is about Boop and her Dad, though. And a very special selfless friend. Heres to you, Ken. You are a good man. If all these old trucks did was give us a few minutes of bonding with our kids it would be worth it. The great thing is we can drive a vehicle that was designed at a time when fine lines were still important. Before trucks became boxes then later just cars with open trunks. Congrats, y'all. Gater
Boy it looks like you guys had a great time out there. I know the Boop really appreciated the help Ken. Oh yeah btw I enjoyed reading your post Kristen. It really sounds like you've done your homework on this truck. I love it that you are very knowledgable about your truck. So now when some young guys tries to teach you a thing or two about your truck to impress you, then you can show him up. I'm anxiously awaiting more pics and more description of what you guys did to the truck this weekend. Definately the pics part, cause I'm gonna run into the same kind of installation when I'm putting my front end on.
Man, what a weekend!!! Boopster, Finally we all here from you. You've been saving up all you had to say until now. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Ken, what a great thing to do. This site is one of a kind. Where else would something like this happen. You guys (and gals) did an awesome job this weekend. The truck looks absolutely fabulous. Can't wait for more pics, especially the Boop's grin when she drives it for the first time. I look at that truck and lament about the low budget rebuild my kids and I are doing, but this is their first project and I am designing it so they will want to do it over again in a few more years to make it look as good as that candy apple red beauty. Tailgater, you're right about the kids. With all the cars I have done over the years and all my experience, they have each come up with great ideas when we were stuck on something. Goes to show we can all learn from anybody. Here I am thinking my kids are going to learn from me and they come up with ideas that save the day. When we put the engine in, we were hung up and it just wouldn't set into position until my oldest came up with the idea that just dropped it right into place easy as pie. I was real proud of him, not to mention how proud of himself he was. Speaking of pride, there should be a whole huge helping of that going around by the Boop. TB'sD, you got to be proud of her and likewise her of you. Ken, I just can't believe what a great thing you have done to help out with their project. I am proud of all of you and haven't even met you all (yet). Keep up the great work and more pics please. Oh, and BTW I couldn't help but notice everyone working in their shirtsleeves. Man are you guys lucky (and me jealous). Ice storm here this past week and no chance of working in shirt sleeves prolly until the end of the month at least. Lots of little stuff to do in the workshop (heated inside) until the weather allows us to get down on the cold concrete again. Andy
additional progress pics here is some more of the pics, the first one is of the inner fenders. the second one is the fender supports and the rock guard. The next one's of my dad with fixing the fender welting. Then the one that i said was Daddy and Ken realizing they had to take it all back off. And the last one's of the anti squeak rubber... more pics to come. the Boopster
Looking mighty fine there ! . It is nice to hear of family and freinds pitching in to get a job done , this is the American way and it's what sets us apart from the rest of the world . Enjoy your truck Kristen ! .
We need more pics!! I'm having withdrawls here! Show them those awesome fenders, grill and hood! I hope you take a shot of the "Poor Man's hood prop"!
you guys rock!! it's really great to see some progress. i'm totally stoked for the boop, and TB'sD, and Ken, and everyone who's posted info here. it's really cool to see people help each other out. right on!! maybe someday i'll be able to give instead of taking all the time, but i'm learning!! anybody want a pinstriping demo?? i'll be glad to post that!! keep rockin! jon
Hey jon- Maybe between the two of us we can create the visions Ken came up with for personalized truck pictures! I forget how far back it was, but the ideas he came up with were WAY too cool! If you like laughing 'till you cry, it's worth a trip back in time!
Okay Boop a few questions????? So what radiator are you putting in this truck? Original? is there very much room between engine and radiator? Are you gonna use an electric fan or have one on the water pump? I think I have an idea but I need to know from someone that is at this point already. Another question from anybody that would know. Would you use the quietening material between the fenders and cab and fenders and bed if you plan on making them a molded look? (welding them to the bed and smoothing them over.) I wasn't planing on it because I was afraid of burning the material for one and also putting something there that really just wouldn't matter. Thanks
Dear Kristen, Let me introduce myself--I'm a Grandpa and have been watching the great things happening with you and your truck-- it must be wonderful being in a situation like yours.What I wanted to suggest is that you don't keep the fuzzy dice attached to the rearview mirror. There are clinical studies that indicate that the portion of the brain responsible for sight will learn to ignore movement in the field of vision where swinging objects are present. In effect, you stop receiving warning signals about anything in that area as you drive-- which can become very dangerous. Perhaps you can fasten them to the seatback next to you or hang them from the dash below your normal line of sight--- I know that wouldn't be as cool but your safety is so important to your family and all the fans here on the site that have become so involved in your project. Take care, Glenn
More pics Hey everyone, sorry i took so long... The first pic is of the fender welting, the second one's of Ken, Daddy, and Josh trying to get the grill in. The next one's of daddy and Ken trying to figure out how to put the park lights in, that was interesting...Then its the grill after its attached, and the last one is Ken and my dad putting the hood on and adjusting it. Kevin, about your questions... Were putting in an Origional style but new radiator, we used an electric fan with electronic thermostat. By the time everything was installed there was about 1/2 an inch between the electric fan and the standard fan pully (the electric fan is about 1 1/2 inches deep). I had to have my dads help with some of those... And Grandpa, thanks for the advice...they were a birthday gift from ken. But i'll give it some thought.
Fender welting Kevin, Kristen answered your first set of questions. I'll address the second. The only thing between the rear fender and bed is the fender welting. If you plan to weld the fender to the bed, don't use it. It's only purpose is to keep the parts from squeaking. By welding them into one solid unit, you've solved any potential squeaking issues. As far as the front is concerned, you can skip the welting there too, but i'd say that you'll probably want to put the anti-squeak material in between the fender and inner fender panel.