epay- Item number: 110108279617 sun dwell tachometer tach model cp7601 old new - looks decent. right now the bid is only 10 bucks!! 20 hours left! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/sun-...612QQitemZ110108279617QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW jon
Dwell / Tachometer / Points Tester HOLY CAMOLE ! that's the one I use most . I got mine at a yard sale (tag sale,auto jumble) 25 years ago at least . Sun is a good company and SEARS sold them under license too . That was one heck of a good deal @ 15.00. I hope one of you all bought it because this is _THE_ tool , when used with an inductive timing light , that makes those " good " tune-ups al my customers rave about...