Works For Me ! In the case of a brandy new camshaft (I don't use re-grinds) I always defer to the camshaft grinder's recommendations . Typically the cam grinder will specify lower RPM's . The varying RPM's from 1,500 ~ 3,000 is new to me and might well be a good compromise between the best RPM's for bedding in the piston rings and the camshaft .
New motor breakin What about the additional 20 minute of run time at 1500 rpm (instead of cutting off at one minute). Does you experience see any harm or problems in doing this? KentC
Breakin Running Time yes ~ that seems a bit excessive to me as the pistons & rings get _very_ hot during thier 60 second breakin , that's why it is important to shut it off and allow to cool 100 % before re-starting and checking & adjusting timing and carby... On the other hand , they grind cams and I don't.... I've never yet seem a cam maker suggest it needs longer than a minute or so to breakin . I need to do some tests on customers engines to figure this one out If you've pre-set the timing really closely and it's not running over 180° F on the temp. gauge , I guess it'd be O.K. to let it continue running @ 1,500 RPM's for an additional 20 minutes but I'd be right up against the engine feeling how much heat it's shedding.... Proper cam breakin makes for a long life of full power , even as the engine gets long in the tooth and smoky , rattly etc....
Engine breakin Thanks much, Nate. PS: Mr. Andy Forelli, DC of NY has donated to me a flywheel cover. I wanted to thank him online for being so generous. Thank you, kind soul. KentC
No Problem As for the rest of the guys generosity , there's an extremely good buncha folks on this list....