I have just placed a picture of the old boy in the photo area. Seach for Herbert. The tires have got to go and there are a few ends and odds. I would appreceate you all taking a look.
Well Done! Larry, it's looking mighty fine! What kind of tires and/or wheels are you going to go with? You know, between you, Boop's dad, and Tailgater, ya'll are beginning to really hurt my FEELING!
Fine Ride Lookin mighty fine, that beautiful truck sure does shine. Yep, I would agree with you on the tires, for some reason they don't do that beauty justice. TB'sD
Yessiree!! Well done! (No grilling terms intended! ) I had some thoughts of green steelies with trim rings and caps that would really do your ride justice. Maybe some of those WIDE WHITES to go along with! (?) At any rate- it's nice to know another ride is 'bout to hit the streets. Top drawer!
You can tell it's getting spring time, every body is getting their babies out. I like the truck man, really is sharp. I now get to see another AD driving down the road all of the time. It's a custom, in primer right at the moment. I haven't seen it sitting still yet so I can get a closer look, but from 50 feet it sure looks good. I see it on my weekly trip to tractor supply so maybe I should chase him down one day.
Whoa ! There's about a bazillion pix in there and I'm on dailup ~ why don't you simply trap the page addy and post it in a reply so we can simply click on it to see the truck...?
see if this helps. I hope it's the right pic. https://talk.classicparts.com/photos/showphoto.php?photo=421
I see a white '54 with brown fenders & chrome wheels..? it says " Getting there " not Herbert . Nice looking truck .
Sorry Nate. Sometimes I don't think I know all I should about posting. My thanks to Kevin for helping out. Those are the wheels that came on the truck. Old rusted wheels and dirty cracked tires. At least the things hold air. The colors are light grey with a dark charcol gray. I think the paint is the single most expensive thing on the truck. Thanks for looking.
Speaking of running with a ride... Yesterday morning I got to TRY and chase down a 1ton (?) 47 (?) dodge (?) truck. It was the cab with a sleeper right behind it. It had it's stack going up into the air. It looked like the original back end- (duels) The best I could do was get even with him- he was going too fast for me! 75 in a 65? He kept on going 'till I lost site of him. Cool deal! Great way to start the morning! Did I ever mention I was color blind? I guess if it's grey, green wheel would look a might odd. (Unless you're color blind...)
What're you sorry about ? that I have crappy service ? get real . I liked looking at the truck , at least your current wheels look better than the circus wagon wheels that were on my truck when I bought it.... -Nate
http://www.clgw.net/~tonyp/1954 truck pictures.htm Just a few of the 54's posted so far. Hopefully Monday I will have mine painted. Seems the more that I get impaitent the slower things get done. As for wheels for mine , the bolt pattern was 5x4 3/4"..20's..