Many of you may know that Charlotte has this small racetrack near by. It’s named after a home improvement store. Twice a year they have an Auto Fair. Big auto flea market and show. There is a lot of cool stuff to look at and good people to talk to. Part of the deal is all the half done projects that are on trailers. Seems like everyone had a rust bucket for sale. There are a lot of finished projects as well. The wildest things you would ever want see. Take a look at these pictures. I asked the S10 owner if he owned a gas station and he just smiled. He said he drives it a good bit. The only thing is it is hard to get people out of his way on the interstate. Well I picked up some parts for my truck so I am off to the garage. Yall enjoy this day.
Well I have tried and failed to put a link in the above post. To see the picture go to the photo section and look for Big Engine. Maybe one of you could show how the link thing is done.
Hi , have a good time at the swap meet ! I always find the best stuff in the junk box or pile of greasy crap...
HOLY CAMOLE ! is that for real ? As far as how to , go to the page you want to link to and highlight the address in the box above the page , then right click your mouse button and a menu box will open , choose " copy " or " copy Shortcut " and left click on it , go to the page you want to include the link in , put the cursor in the dialog box and right click the moude ~ another menu box will open , choose " paste " and the link or address will <magically> appear... Tinker with it , if I can learn this , anyone can . Or , just get a child to show you how . Yes it was for real. Take a look at these. Some car show and how!!!
Those guys are the "Tach Twisters". They all have huge engines/intake setups, and they all drive them, some more than others. By the way, does anyone here attend the Auto fair? Y'all have to come find me if you do, my truck is usually in the grass on the front stretch.