Just a small note to say body and paint is done ( for now). Working on interior. I moved the shift to the floor and had to build a custom console to raise it up. All the interior (doors, back and top of cab. ) will be wrapped in leather that matches the seat. The Bed is finished except for finishing tightening the bolts. The filler cap will be flush. I really like the sliding back glass from CP...it was really easy to install...
Who's Truck Is This ? ...Cause it sure don't look like the one in your avatar.... A lot of hard work there and it shows , be proud .
Nate, I thought a would keep my avatar for a while to help remind me of the long road it took. (4 years)..Did have a man offer to buy my truck when it was down getting the glass done..I almost got mad but then got thinking that it was almost an honor that someone liked it enough to offer some money for it. Can you quess the answer I gave him....starts with a H and ends with O,,hint 2 words...
Oh yeah ~ don't think for a minute I was suggesting you should change your Avatr ! . I don't so much get mad that folks offer to buy my truck , it's the _way_ the dope dealers and other lowlifes approach it ~ they don't ask if I want to sell it , they just say " how much " and then push it when I say no or shake my head.. Once in a while I'll ask ' how much is your lady there ? ' in response , that makes them think .
OK, here goes my ingorance.MC plug?..I did move the battery, we built a box on the right frame, you have to reach under the front fender to get to it. Rusty did get a new set of shoes today.Will put those on later.
MC= master cylinder plug. Did you keep it under the floor? If so, are you using a remote fill? I've thought this over a bunch, but figure by the time I get to this point, someone will have installed a remote fill and got all the bugs worked out so all I'll have to do is copy their idea! Great looking ride, teach! You made a great little space to sit and watch the road slip by!
Ok.. I did move the mc..I placed everything under the hood. The MC is bolted on the left side of the firewall..you can see where I put it in this pic.