Yeah Nate. FREE IS FOR ME!!! and yes, it does have the early nose on it. That's cool because I like the early nose better than the '54/'55.1 nose. The engine was free if you remember also. somebody from the 55-59 forum to thank for that as well as all the new brake parts. all in all this is coming together on the cheap so far. Only spent a few hundred dollars on small parts. Thank goodness, cuz the budget is really tight. Andy
Welcome Glenn! I know what you mean- I got diddleesquat in the knowledge tank but that never stopped me from cloggin' the pot! What I mean to say is- everyone here is friendly and has never made me feel like I should just go and bury myself now and get it over with. Well- except Nate, of course- but I know he means well... Honestly- I HAVE gained a "truckload" of knowledge because of this place and the guys/gal(s) that speak up. And like Britt says- there are people like Ken who knows absolutely ZERO, but that doesn't stop him from piping up. Matter of fact, he makes me look even better! Enjoy this place and remember- If you think it's a silly question, check my posts!
Oh- I forgot... Holy CRAP Andy! What a story! I would have gone out that night and bought a Power Ball ticket! You never know- I didn't do as good as you, but close. I traded my 64 Chevy truck even-up. (That 64 was so rusted, I was always amazed when I was going fast and put on the brakes, that it wouldn't just slide right off the frame...) My 52 didn't have brakes, but the guy that got my truck had a rig that hauled cars. I told him where I lived and he took it @ 22 miles and put it right outside my house on the street. (With a brick in front of the back tire) To think- I almost gave my 6 away, also.
Yes , well ; Young and foolish , most of us were thata way once Now I'm just old & stupid . Being ' Yankee Thrifty ' means cheap or free will always be my 1st. choice . Sadly , the day of the $250.00 pickup truck seems to have passed . I was (am) always amazed at how many folks buy this important tool and then just walk away from it when it's old and hard to start or won't stop or whatever the small thing is that they junk it for ~ here in Sunny So. Cal. , land of the rust free junker , the scrap yards are overflowing with perfectly good old pickup trucks , many they get for under $200.00 ! . the market for the average 10 year old pickup that needs two days of cleaning and minor repairs , is $500.00 -if- you can find someone willing to lower themselves to driving a 10 year old truck... WTF ?? . things are seriously out of whack . I see 20 year olds driving 5 year old luxury cars and I was happy just to not be walking when I was a kid . Oops ~ I'm ranting again , aren't I ? Oh , NURSE ! What were we talking about again ? I remember : OLD TRUCKS ! If I thought I could sell 'em , I'd by me a two rig car hauler and take all these cheap pickups off to New Mexico or other state where I could sell'em....
Meanwhile, back where this thread started ... If you are interested, there is a 54-55.1 turn signal kit available on eBay right now. It appears to have a three wire (instead of 6 wire) switch, but I believe the switches are interchangable. CP should have the 6 wire switch.
What a steal that would be... Current bid 99 cents?? Chevy listed them in the Master catalog for $17.50 back in '54. I'm anxious to see what it really brings by the end of the bidding period.
yes! bring all those old trucks to my house, we'll paint em up nice, and get 60 or 70 grand out of each one!! jon
I'm Pretty Sure.... That this is the correct 6 wire switch ,lse you'd need to add a seperate brakelight . Someone should send this URL to Larry Karoke... I'm sure BillyBob could use it . -Nate
Already up to $159.00. It's gonna go over $200.00 for sure. Another vendor sells them for $155.00 plus a $50.00 core charge. I would be willing to bet they don't have any laying around, core charge or not. Andy
"Mr. Too Much Time on his Hands" did some checking... I looked at the LMC catalog that I have hidden at the office so the boss can't see that i'm goofing off, and came up with replacement parts, including the extra tailight w/ bracket for this and the price for the individual parts come to a little over $136. The only thing that they don't sell, (and this is critical), is the housing that holds all of the neat guts to the deal! I'm thinking that $200 plus is not a bad deal for NOS!
Car turn signals Just in case anybody is looking(thinking) that the 54-55-1st unique to these trucks only, the 53-54 car, corvette are the same. As is the 55-2nd 56. 57-59 trucks had an angeled turn lever. Chris