My 1950 has a horn relay installed on the firewall, next to the fuseblock for stop.tail light and under the voltage regulator the shop manual and wiring diagram and the new wiring harness dont show it , dont mention it and dont allow for it, why do i need the relay, was this an add on or factory option and the horn has two posts nothing labeled but when i use an ohm meter and go between the two post(power leads taken off) it shows shorted to each other, when i started researching why the horn didnt work, there was battery on both of these leads and that didnt seem right to have two wires both hot going to the horn, any ideas and why dont i see the relay on any photos THanks in advance
Yes it needs it , that's why GM added it after a couple years of constant complaints from new AD truck owners . Put hot to one horn terminal and ground the other one , it should toot , sounds like a goat with laryngitis . The relay switches the heavy current the horn needs and so protects the delicate contacts in the mast jacket underneath the steering wheel . The correct wiring diagraman will show it .
THanks for horn info Okay the shop manual and wiring diagrams and new harness I have dont allow for it, but i wrote down how it was wired, just hope that was right as the horn was not working when i disassembled, should i be able to read continuity across those two post when horn is unhooked, with a ohm meter it shows those two post common, wonder if the horn is bad? i tried hooking battery two one and ground to other but nothing honked, concerned now that the internal capacitor or resistor inside the horn may be shot, any ideas
Yes , there must always be continuity between the two horn terminals . Remove the cover and look at the points , they often corrode and need to be cleaned or filed , then hook up your test light and adjust them until the light just comes on , it shold be good to go . Be aware it _won't_ honk properly unless it's bolted to something solid like a vise or the engine block .
i also had horn questions, there 'bama. you can look in the archives and find a post with pics and all the parts labeled. jon
Thanks Jon I searched archives for horn troubles and found nothing any ideas what keyword to use, maybe i try -damn horn dont work
Found them JOn did you ever get yours working, nice pictures and Nate great explanation I will dive into mine tomorrow