Need advice on 6 x 16in 6 ply tire supply

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by alabama1950, May 4, 2007.

  1. alabama1950

    alabama1950 Member

    Apr 12, 2007
    Any leads on what, who and where to get on the tire situation for 1950 model, looking for four new 6 x 16in x 6 ply blackwalls
  2. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    You gonna ride on Bias Ply tires instead of radials and if so, why?:confused:

  3. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Andy, Andy, Andy. He's a farm boy damnit! He likes them bumpy ol' tires. I sure am glad that Nate's on holiday and won't read this for a couple of days;)

    Seriously though Ken, it's a matter of taste and how much you plan to drive it. They make some really nice looking radials nowadays that look great on these old trucks. When you decide on which way, there are several vendors who sell both.
  4. alabama1950

    alabama1950 Member

    Apr 12, 2007
    Thanks guys, I live in the woods and will only drive to church and the Co-Op and maybe to the corner store to get some Prince Albert in the can.
    I was trying to stay original since I wont be interstating this ride, I have plenty of roadsters for the long hauls, this will be my Sunday go to meetings ride and once around the Dairy Queen on Saturday nite so all the kids will be jealous when I rev the 216 with Freebird playing out the window.
    Is there that much difference in radials verses 6 ply at 40 MPH
    I never rode them dont know anything about them
    Any advice is appreciated
    Take care,
  5. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    It's all a matter of comfort

    Bias ply tires have a tendency to get flat spots on them if not driven regularly. They also have a tendency to stay that way during the winter. Once you've driven them enough to warm up, they will get round again. The difference in price between bias ply and classic radial is slight, but then again, it all depends on what you like. If you want bias ply tires, go for it. Do an internet search and look up Wade Wallace out of Dallas. He has them. Vintage tire or Coker. Be advised though, some of these companies do not warrantee their tires, so weigh that heavily. Even if you're just using your ride as a "perfect weekend" pleasure mobile, you don't want to get stranded because of faulty design, lack of workmanship, blah, blah, blah.
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Tires Are CRITICAL

    Safety items and Bias Plies are simply unsafe when compared to modern Radials . once you've tried them you'll never go back . screw thw ride , they stickbetter and have less rolling resistance , this means better fuel milage as less wasted power pushing the truck down the road .

    Radials will last longer too .

    I know I've posted the correct Radial size so they'll fit right , handle right and look the same as the original tires , someone here will post it 'cause I'm in my Boxers and not going outside to look at the sidewall for you , sun's not even up yet . :p

    ANY tire shop can order up the correct size blackwall Radial LT tire and it'll be about $75.00 each for top quality Daytons , about $50.00 each for peerfectly good ones made in Korea or Taiwan , *if* your local tire shop is honest . Just Tires (national chain) carries Daytons for the price I mentioned...

    Wait for the proper size to be posted then go shopping , be aware the sales jerks will say anything to get you to buy the size they have in stock , be firm and insist on the correct size ones ! .
  7. 54chevtruck

    54chevtruck Member

    Nov 16, 2006
    West Chester,PA
    Ok it's early I was out way too late last night at a Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes concert. Yes this boy can still rock & roll. But what kind of Good Morning is it when I have to think of Nate in his boxers.:eek:
    Any way from a man of experience stick with the radials. The Bias Plys you will find are mostly bad maybe not at first but in the long run something will go wrong with them. The set I got years ago looked like they had been sitting around since the 50's. Those tires are not a fast mover. And even at speeds like 40 mph are not as safe.
    Excuse me while I go wash out my eyes.:D
  8. alabama1950

    alabama1950 Member

    Apr 12, 2007
    Thanks gentlemen for the advice , as always I appreciate each of your wisdom, I have learnt to listen to those who have been there done that
    Take care
  9. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Let's just say it's been months since I've driven my truck with original tires~
    ...with split rims...

    I haven't stopped bouncing yet. In fact, if you were to cue up "Free Bird" that's the beat I still have going due to that ride!
  10. zigzagfrog

    zigzagfrog Member

    May 25, 2006
    Bow, WA

    My neighbor, the tire guy, gave me a new set of rear bias traction tires.
    So I figured I should get some nice bias fronts to go with them, which I did.
    Naturally, I thought that anything that was good enough in '55 and original was good enough for me.:cool: Let me tell you, that even bald radials are better than bias tires on Sparky. I wandered all over the road, and man did they ever thump for about mile on every startup. These guys are right on:D .
    Once you put proper sized radials on your rig, you will never again be tempted to go back. Never. Not ever.:eek:

    Keep on truckin

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