Door locks

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Zig, May 8, 2007.

  1. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Okay- I'm wondering. I don't have a garage, nor will I anytime soon. I know that these trucks had an exterior lock on the passenger side, but is there a way to use one of those on the driver side? I know it would mean drilling a hole in my perfectly good door, but it would be nice to have one there since I'll be the only one driving it when it's done. The thought of sliding over to the passenger side just isn't right!
    Thoughts? I don't want to shave the handles and put in door poppers.
    Many thanks!
  2. 54chevtruck

    54chevtruck Member

    Nov 16, 2006
    West Chester,PA
    Ok Zig, I'm a little clueless here-(Ok I'm also clueless other places). My Chevrolet has door lock cylinders I installed in both outside door handles. Is your GMC showing it's short comings ? How do you get in the left side door ? Jump in the window
  3. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    It's a GMC thing

    See? Two locks on a Chevy- one on a GMC. Further proving my point that no one would really steal a GMC anyway!:p
    (And notice- the only outside lock IS on the passenger side- leaving the driver side w-i-d-e open... as if to say PLEASE take me?!)
    The only way you lock it up is to lock the drivers side from inside, slide over and out the passenger side, shut the door, and then lock it.) Not my idea of fun. I believe this was a standard setup for these rigs. (?) BUT- I would love to have a lock on the driver's side door...

  4. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    That is the way my 47 Chevy is. When did Chevy change?
  5. uncleger

    uncleger Member

    Oct 1, 2006
    Dorset England
    A lockable drivers door would be great for us poor Brit's, it would make life a lot safer to get in from the (pavement) side walk to you over there , with our narrow roads and traffic it can be a nightmare trying to slide across and get a passenger in safely
  6. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Hmmmmmmm... I think you got something there unc. Move my steering wheel to the glovebox side of the truck and the problems solved! =^)
  7. Boopster

    Boopster Member

    Oct 24, 2006
    East Texas
    Drivers side door lock

    I havent been on here in a while for two reasons. 1. we have had deputies quit (for lack of pay) so, lots of long hours. 2. Our church is in revival and when I come home from a long day, it's off to church (this is what I really enjoy).

    Now for the door lock question. IT CAN'T BE DONE WITH THE ORIGINAL STYLE LOCK ASSY. I got the horse a little ahead of the cart and cut a hole in the door, bought the door lock, painted the truck, and the lock will not work. Why you ask? because the designer didn't make the drivers side assy. with the capability of locking with the turn of the key/shaft. There is a hole there but it is round, not slotted like the passengers side. While the lock looks good and most would think it is a working lock, it's just there for looks.

    I tried modifying the assy. using parts from the old passengers side door lock, take it from me... it won't work. Now if you are a machinest, you might make something but I'm not... so what did I do to solve the problem of climbing in on the passengers side you might ask.

    I installed electric door locks, CP has them and at a good price. and when you are sitting in the drivers side and need to unlock the passengers side, you don't even have to lean over, just push the drivers side inside handle and the passengers side locks or unlocks... it works GREAT and is keyless.

    The Boops loves it.

  8. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Thanks, TB'sD! (I got tired just reading what you've been up to!) I hope the Boop is in seventh heaven driving her truck around town. (I'm sure the boys are- just seeing her go by!)
    O-k~ electric locks that are "keyless". These don't pop the doors open, they just lock or unlock the door, right? Were they a pain to install? I kinda thought installing a working lock on the driver's side wouldn't work. I haven't looked at the cylinder, but I assume they are "handed". (What works for the right side won't work for the left ~ Unless like you say, you know how to get very creative...)
    Well thanks TB'sD! It's good to hear from you again! Although your life may be full now, there will come a time when you can have more free time. Have you moved your next project to the staging area yet?
  9. GrandpaGlenn0

    GrandpaGlenn0 Member

    Mar 22, 2006
    Hi Guys, I can't help solve the problem but can explain why only the right doors have locks. GM touted that system as a SAFETY FEATURE in their ads--sliding out the passenger door after locking the driver door from the inside wassupposed to keep you from being exposed to traffic-- it was NOT a popular system and was discontinued in 1954 if I remember correctly. If tou find a 54 door, you might be able to take the lock assembly and install it--(just a guess-- I haven't tried it ).
  10. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    I've thought about different locks, but mine work so well (open/shut) that I kinda hate to think about screwing with that. I'll be frigged if I'm going to put up with sliding across the seat though!
    Hey TB'sD- interesting idea about the electric ones you put in. I didn't find them in CP's magazine though. I'll look again tonight, but I didn't see them under doors or electric stuff. (of course I once spent 20 minutes trying to figure out where my glasses were- It never dawned on me why I was able to see so clearly while I was looking for them...)
  11. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    The TF external door locks just prevent the user from pushing the "button" in the handle. They have nothing to do with the actual "lock" that is engaged when the user pushes forward on the bottom of the inside door handle. Is that different in a late (52-55) AD? I thought the 52-59 exterior door handles were the same.

    The TFs (at least my '57 GMC) also only had one externally lockable door.

    I bought a TF exterior door handle with lockable push button at a swap meet, took the locking button to a key shop and had them re-pin the lock to match my key. I then removed the non-lockable push button from my TF and replaced it with this new lockable one. WOrks fine except one is upside down from the other.
  12. alabama1950

    alabama1950 Member

    Apr 12, 2007
    My 1950 chevy has passenger side lock only, good thing I live in the woods in alabama, i dont even have to take the keys out much less lock it,
  13. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    That would be great Bill, but the outside handles on my '52 are the swing down and not the push button kind. Soooo, replacing my handles looms as a poss'bility. I want to check info on those electric locks like TB'sD has though.

    Bama- My trucks pretty well done on the inside and has set on the street in front of my house for 3 years now. No one has screwed with it -yet- unless they've done like I do... Go out in the cover of darkness and just set in it thinking about how cool it will be to be zooming down the roads in it. The locks are more for when it's done and I hit the road.
  14. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Okay- if I had checked the Br-----'s Catalog, I wouldn't have needed to start this thread. They have door locks that look like the passenger side, but say they are for the driver's side door. They look like the original design....
    Sorry all- And I'm sorry CP that I had to drop the "B" word.
    I'm willing to bet that if I look with both eyes, I'll probably find these in CP's catalog also?
  15. 4JSAToo

    4JSAToo Member

    Apr 24, 2003
    Your'e right on with what Iv'e been told.On my 55 1st. I took the passenger side door lock and out it in the drivers side. Works like a charm.
  16. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Thanks 4J- I "assume" that what ever the passenger side has that the lock fits into is the same on the driver side? It looks like to get the lock to fit, I'll need to drill a smaller hole and a bigger hole for the cylinder? Connect the dots with a - saw?
  17. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    I hate this too as I'm old , fat and sore all the time .

    Sliding 'cross the seat isn't an option as this is a WORK TRUCK so there's always crap piled up on it ~ I simply close the driver's door and walk 'round to the passenger's side , open that and reach across to flip the driver's side handle to the " locked " position and then close & lock the passenger side door . :rolleyes:

    The turn down typ of handle latch cannot be made to lock as allready mentioned here . :(

    Be aware that setting the inside handles to " lock " and then slamming the door , is the very quickest way to ruin your priceless door latch ~ when the truck was new , the latches were disigned to unlock if you did this , now that they're all rusty and gummed up , you'll just beat the latches mercilessly if you do it.....

    When the latch finally gives up and the door pops open in traffic like it did to me , you'll see why I called the door latch " pricless " ~ I havn't yet found any decent re-pops , I wound up buying NOS ones $$!! . :eek:

    Good thread .

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