Working on 1950 frame, pressure cleanded scraped mud tried da sander with 150 grit and its taking the surface rust off, theres no pitting or serious rust on this truck, i sanded to the black, i read about sandblasting to bare metal, is this necessary? Is my da sanding and removing surface rust okay? whats the hardest grit i should use without damage? Then do i still need etching primer or can i use a rustoleum primer before painting the frame? Thanks for the help
I recommend sand blasting and using the etching primer. The etching primer will make your paint stick so much better and will seal the frame off much better so rust wont come back through. Just my two cents.
Like Kevin said~ sand blast it! The BEST thing about this is it will get all those places where sanders can't go. I used this real cool wheel that fits into a drill that does an AWESOME job of stripping metal, but after using it on my '54 frame, I'm sure I'll blast my '52 frame when I get it stripped down. Etching primer is all I use. I'm NOT a paint expert, (Rattle Rattle) but when you read the info about primers, it just makes sense to me to use something that will bite into the metal.
The only change I would make to the excellent avice already given is to use glass instead of sand. You can get it from most professional blast suppliers. It is just ground up glass. It will not pit the metal and it still does a good job at removing rust, paint, fingers, etc.
BEAD BLAST It ! What they said ! use glass beads as it makes a big differance and won't beat up your frame either . Use the very best etching primer you can't afford...