I am "THINKING" about seling my '53 1/2 ton 5 window...

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by lazys53, May 14, 2007.

  1. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    I've had my '53 1/2 ton since about '97. I've been able to keep him running. But no extra money to him put back to where he needs to be. You know, presentable,paint,re-built 261(with stock tranny), interoir,new bed,suspension and some other upgardes, but as stock as possible. I'm in some debt, and if I could get an exceptable offer, I might let him go to someone who has the time and money he deserves. But in NO WAY to a hot rod fool who will just chop,drop,..... so on and so on. Sorry, its just the way I see it. So maybe, if anyone out here wants to make a serious offer, or knows of someone who would, pass the word on for a fellow stovebolt rider, I do appreciate the help fellas. If it helps, I live in Sparks, Nevada ( next door to Reno,NV- HOT AUGUST NIGHTS). Alot of the guys that come out here in augaust are 99% hotroders.:rolleyes: talk to you fellas later. thanks, big lazy
  2. sloromon

    sloromon Member

    Oct 9, 2006
    Phoenix, AZ
    i sent you a private message. did you mean to say 216?

  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Ooooooo ~ A 261 !

    Lessee :

    If I rob a couple liquor stores and get a BIG drum of 40W oil and a coupla bottles of brake fluid , some old bald 16" spare tires that'll hold air , I can prolly wheeze this old rig back to Sunny So. Cal........:D

    Is it a three on the tree or four speed , etc. ? we need pictures dammit ! ;)
  4. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    to clearify things...

    ok ok ok fellas. Sorry about the way I spoke yesterday. The list of parts, 261,paint, interoir, bed , suspension,......ARE the things I WANT to do. But I havent had a chance yet to get to. Its hard, when you're lookin at the bills on your table, then you go outside and something that just might pull me out, is the something that u just don't want to lose. I DO NOT HAVE the 261, it still runs the 216,----2 1 6 --- two-sixteen--not two sixty. Although, in Febuary of this year, I thought that I had finally found one! Guy tells me for $450.00, he had one in a '63 3/4 ton long bed, that all he had to do was yank it out. Well, this place was out in some town off the maps, way off behind Carson City,NV. Long one short. Five hours of searchin, askin directions and finally find the place, I get there, get to the engine, and this shit wass a dawm 350 with a crack right down the front of the block. He blamed it on someone who,--of course wasn't there,- on the way home I almost convinced myself to go with a 235. But, I still find myself asking around.
    P.S. --NATE, you were the one that I was counting on, to talk me out of selling. But, if shoes were swapped, I'd be on my way down your way too.:cool:
    the engine starts, runs, it needs brakes all the way around,if there's a place that re-builds these tranny's it could use one,bench is sit-able,but needs new upolstory, gages work,but need new ones, gots a little rust tumor on back bbottom pass. side below gas filler, no blinkers, 12 volt, simply....he's just an old stovebolt that deserves some love. I will get the pictures, I will. :( ---lazy--
  5. brit 50

    brit 50 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    Essex England, the motherland
    Man, sounds like you love that ol truck, try and find a way fella, find a way
    Vaporizer reviews
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2011
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    O-Kay Then !

    Lazy ;

    here's whatcha gotta do : get some brake cups and hone the wheel cylinders out , bleed it out , replace those old shoes and button 'er up ~ tune the engine (you all know what I'm going to say about that so I'll save time&space) fill the tranny up with gearlube , lay a blanket on those old seat springs , warsh the winders untill the cracks are all you can see and GO DRIVE IT ! slow & steady will get the job done , no rotted tires but bald is O.K. for cruising , no hauling tho' ~

    pretend it's 1965 again and go enjoy your rattly rusty old truck , don't worry , about the details , just give it love & care and it'll take care of you too.....

    This is your TRUCK we're talking about here so no sudden , unwise decisions , 'K ? .
    (note how I cleverly slipped in some Chevy Blue there)
  7. 54chevtruck

    54chevtruck Member

    Nov 16, 2006
    West Chester,PA
    Ha Lazy, settle down. Go out and look at the old girl. She may not be the Hot Rod you desire. But she's still a old work horse. Not all of us get the prom queen in life. But remember most of them end up being real Bitc_'s anyway. Keep the old AD and just do what you can when you can afford it.
  8. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Don't Do It!

    I understand your position~ In love with a beautiful woman, but the best you can do for her is Wal-Mart chicken strips? Don't do it! Don't turn your back on her and walk away thinking your doing each of you a favor. She's found what she wants and needs, and you have too. So you can't fix it up with a pretty paint job~ Brit and I have a solution to that~ ":D "
    As far as the engine / drivetrain goes, if you have a laptop, pull up the pages Nate has put on here about tune ups, gaps, and carbs and put the screen in front of the engine- Heck, it'll fire up just READING that stuff!
    If you can't do anything else, just do what I do- Go out in the cover of darkness, kneel down next to her- steady yourself as you slowly slide your hand up and over that beautiful rounded fender... lean your head gently against her and hear the road zipping along beneath you. (Yup, you forgot to put it in gear before you left it alone last time, now it's dragging you at an ever increasing speed down the hill you had it parked on! Crap!)
    Oh well, you get the idea- For all of us here, keep it- you were ment to be together!
  9. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    I'm With Zig !

    Just so except the chicken strips are better @ Burger King :D

    Prom Queen ?! wow , even _I_ knew better than that in High School :rolleyes: (course my Astonian GF had many of the same attributes:big,uh,nevermind) :D ;)

    As far as whiners , er winners (yeah,that's it) , remember this : it may be cool to soar with eagles but then again , weasles never get sucked into jet airplane engines.....
  10. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    That's cool too~ but I'm not changing my signature!
  11. brit 50

    brit 50 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    Essex England, the motherland
    God I can waffle on

    Ok, here goes, you cant afford to paint your truck, SO WHAT!, every ding and scratch tells a story, its history if you will, it tells you where its been and what its done, just like a womans body does. If you spent your hard earned on shiny stuff you will only end up worrying about it getting spoilt, at the moment you can get in it and DRIVE without all that, just sort the brakes (more important than any other thing bar none) give the engine a little tweek by following Nates instructions, throw a mexican blanket over the seat and...


    So what if its a little beaten up, so what if its dripping a few fluids, just look around you while your driving it and i tell you now, not one of the shiny cars and trucks around you on the road will be around in 50 years!!!!! Your trucks made it till today without all the flash bells and whistles and has lasted FIFTY YEARS!!! thats a hell of a good truck, and its done so with your help for the past 10, it dont want you to give up on it because its not all new and sparkly, it just wants you to take care of it, keep it healthy and treat it well,

    Me, well im in trouble for money too, identity theft recently, nightmare! and ive done my truck on a real budget over the past year, yes i took the cab off, yes i stripped it totally, but ive just cleaned every part by hand, no shotblasting, and replaced any worn out bits then painted the chassis with a tin of black paint and a BRUSH! Yep a brush, and a couple of rattle cans, it looks great, not new but great, I have only done the chassis and running gear and will leave the body as is, i just painted the underneath. Even the engine is a second hand one picked up cheap from a guy obsessed with the dull 350, I was going to use a rebuilt lump but recent funding problems have stopped that, so the engine under the sheet in the yard got a wash down and a lick of paint and bolted in last weekend, the new engine can wait for another day, I may put a new cover on the seat, I may just throw a blanket over it, the priority now is to get it on the road, and if anyone looks down on my truck or puts it down then thats their problem not mine.

    One last thing, you cant see your lovely paint job from the drivers seat, thats where you should be, not standing gawping at it!!!!
    Volcano Classic
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2011
  12. Kevin's 48

    Kevin's 48 Member

    Aug 7, 2006
    Now for a street rodders point of view

    I will be able to see my paint from inside, because I'm painting mine as flawless on the inside as it is the outside, and yes it will most likely be a trailor queen for the most part. But that's okay in my eyes. I will enjoy my truck as much as you guys will yours. That's the great part of it being your truck. I wouldn't want anyone to sell their truck just because they think they can get out of a little debt. For one the truck isn't costing you anything to keep it. Two every one needs something that brings them joy and if that truck brings you joy then by all means keep it. By getting out of this little bit of debt enable you to get another truck like yours that runs and could be driven with a few minor things done to it any time in the near future. Most likelly not. Because like most of us when we get a little extra money we're gonna blow it on something else. So might as well keep it. So what it doesn't look like it rolled off the show room floor. I'm a street rodder for sure, but that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate seeing all other types besides customs too. So get it driveable and go out and enjoy your truck.
  13. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    Went to the supermarket last night about 9:30. In the lot was a '49 Ford pickup. The driver window was part rolled down and it had a set of nice wheels and tires in the bed that would not fit on the truck. What's the point of this story? Other than the sheetmetal being fairly straight, the truck was a bona fide POS. The paint was terrible, interior a mess and it had old bias ply tires on it that were one step away from rotted to no good. Nobody would be proud to drive it in the unrestored and slapped together condition it was in...unlesssss you just happened to be the owner that loves that old truck. When mine is done and driveable, it will most certainly not be anything pretty to look at. But just like that old Ford from last night, it will attract a certain group of people that just love these old trucks simply because they are still rolling. I look forward to my not pretty truck rolling again. I look forward to pileing my kids in it and taking a run to the supply yard to fill the bed up with what-ever because it is a truck and it gives my klids and me joy just the way it is.

    I'm going through my own financial trouble with the ex-wife from hell :mad: and am selling off many of my posessions, including the Mustang that was to be my kids next project and a couple of rare guitars I have had for over 25 years. Hell, they're only THINGS. But...I'm NOT selling my truck. IT is not a thing. It is my TRUCK! Hang in there and keep your truck, dude.

  14. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS

    You speak like this in court, you'll not only end up with your kids, but a few extra to boot!

    We have reached a decission...;)
  15. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    thanks for the support fellas.....

    tell me how to upload the pics...
  16. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    pictures are in my profile..I hope you can find 'em..

    ok ok, maybe selling 'em will get me out of debt ($4,000). but just sounded like a quick fix to the RIGHT NOWS, instead of the YEAH ONE DAYS. Still got my mind set on that 261,huh Nate? Would be nice. well, YEAH ONE DAY. hopefully u guys have some time, check 'em out, let me know what u think.I figured out that I had to upload the pic's to my profile. Theres more but mostly the same. If theres anything that I missed, let me know, i'll shot more pic's if u can think of something else. I dont care what anyone says, I want the disc brakes, the 261 and some air bags. My suspention is shot, with one hand i can push the body down to the frame. just not healthy to ride 'em around like that. well, some advise from here on out, like always, will be very appreciated, just like ALL of your input so far. check you all out later,
    big lazy
  17. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Lazy, i've been out of the loop for 2 weeks in the land of rotary phones. I hate that I missed getting to put in my 3 cents worth! The guys on this forum are right on! Having read this thread and the replies, i've come up with 2 conclusions. #1, you don't wan't to give up your truck and #2, you don't have to. I know that times are tough for you, but that truck is paid for and gives you more piece of mind than you can imagine. Don't toss it out like yesterday's trash. Take comfort in knowing that you'll get through this and that the nights that you walk outside and look at your truck and say, "One of these days you'll have a 261, one of these days you'll have a nice paint job" that it is that truck that made it possible to forget about your problems for 5-10 minutes. Hang tough bud, it'll work out!
  18. brit 50

    brit 50 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    Essex England, the motherland
    [QUOTE My suspention is shot, with one hand i can push the body down to the frame. just not healthy to ride 'em around like that. well, some advise from here on out, like always, will be very appreciated, just like ALL of your input so far. check you all out later,
    big lazy[/QUOTE]

    Hey fella, take those leaf springs off and find a spring shop who knows what they are doing (or even a good blacksmith) and for a few bucks they can re-arch and re-temper the leafs, good as new, both my front springs were broke clean off (had a stormy boat ride over here) and i had a shop make a new top leaf, new second leaf and re-arch/temper the rest for 350bucks, the main cost was in the new springs so they should'nt charge you a lot to tweek them up,
    Og kush
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2011
  19. Kevin's 48

    Kevin's 48 Member

    Aug 7, 2006
    Oh so now you want us hot rodder fools advice on disc brakes and air suspension!! You slam on us and then ask for advice, I see how it is:p :D Just kidding with you. I am putting air ride technologies air suspension under my truck.

    www.ridetech.com or go to www.suicidedoors.com

    In my opinion air ride technologies has the most advanced systems and some of the better quality. Also fat man fab has great air ride systems too. I think some one on this forum went with their setup on their truck.

    Now for brakes the top brand is definately willwood but they are very pricey. I don't know if you are using your stock front end but wanting to switch to a disc setup so maybe someone else will be able to better answer your question for brakes. My self I'm using an S-10 frame under my truck so my conversion is already done for me. As for rear disc I'm putting a newer model S-10 rear end under it to convert my drums to disc. It's much cheaper for me to replace the entire rearend than to buy a conversion kit. I hope this helps.
  20. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Air Ride~

    The only thing I have against Air Ride is that if I installed it, I'd slam it down to the ground and that's where it'd stay! To low to get a jack under it... I'd prolly do it at an intersection to impress someone. That trail of sparks as I scraped down Main Street would do the trick, I'm sure!:(

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