I am "THINKING" about seling my '53 1/2 ton 5 window...

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by lazys53, May 14, 2007.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    See Lazy ? you've just gotta keep it ! ;)

    I'm hard up against it too but selling my truck will only bring temporary relief and then I'll have no truck.... :(

    Between this gas B.S. and my spine issues , my bills are out of site and I can no longer do any side work to close up the slack between the paycheck and the mounting bills ~ bunch of us are right there with you my freind .
  2. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil
    I wanna sent out a BIG THANX 2 all...

    Thanks for of your input. And for the RODDERS, I'm sorry. but thanks. first it was a thought, then I almost made it an action(pretty close-$4,000-), but now its a no.HELL NO!! I've been thinking and thinking more, I can see me without the bills. But, then, when I'm not at work busting out a stupid amount of overtime, I'm in the backyard lookin at the empty spot where he us to be. thats tooo much heartache for me. So,...whats a normal humanbeing without any debt anyways. If I had the good credit, no bill collectors banging on my door and zero debt, what kind of man would I be. No affence to anyone in here who can relate, but I'd be exactally all these up-updy-ups in my cornfed town. Its just very BRITE out here, if u know what I mean? When I had him on the road of few years back, all these construction deligates( the owners\the ones with the big,lifted 4x4's\with zero dirt\should I mension the F word..shhh..ford's)would always ask, " what year is that thing? what are gonna do with it? I'll make you an offer." I'd always say,"Honky, you don't have enough money for my ride." The blow my AOGGA horn!! Flip my trusty big BIRD in their faces. It was always funny to see them sh-t right there. HAHAHAHAHA:D :cool: All these thing I've been thinking about,so rest asure, he's stayin with me.But, thanx again to all, your input\support\fast-talkin is very much appreciated.
    I just couldnt do it Nate, thanks
  3. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Proud of you!

    That would have been a decision you would have regretted forever!
  4. lazys53

    lazys53 Member

    Jun 2, 2005
    live in Sparks,NV, but my heart is in Cali.( I wil

    let me know what you think about him. I'm pretty sure the pic's are easy to get to. If not let me know, and tell me how to do it the right way.:D
    talk to you later
  5. brit 50

    brit 50 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    Essex England, the motherland
    Looked at your pics and this is how i see it, to me you have a good basis for a nice ride there, looks like its up and running going by the new fuel filter and the alternator, so you can keep it that way and just do bits and pieces as and when finances allow, dont take too much apart at a time so that it will cost large amounts to put back, little and often is a better way
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2011
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    I went and looked in your profile , there's only two pix there , your avatar and one front shot ~ looks better than most of the old trucks I've had over the years.... :D if there's other pix , point me in the right direction , 'K ? .

    I'm recalling a '51 Dodge towtruck I usta had , the hoist was manual (big hand crank) the winch reduction gears were an old 50's Volvo tranny locked in reverse :rolleyes:

    We used to run that poor old thing on DRAIN OIL from the customer's cars :eek: it leaked / smoked a goodly bit but it _always_ started up and ran , I dunno if you know but a '51 Dodge 1/2 ton is pretty small and I used it more than once to tow BIG American cars like '67 Chevys and my old 1954 Pontiac Super Chief :eek:

    Point being : old work trucks needn't be pretty ~ you have there a classic Chevy that's so desireable the F^!d guys want it..... :rolleyes:

    Keep it and wheeze it down to the store once a week or so , it'll be good for your soul , Lazy .



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