Heater question

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by dorcutt, May 13, 2007.

  1. dorcutt

    dorcutt Member

    May 13, 2007
    Keep the truck in VT
    looking for advice on my beehive heater that leaks out of my 51 truck. Can I buy just a core and if so where. I see several after market upgrades to a square unit, is it any better or am I better to stick to what I have.
  2. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS

    Well, Dorcutt~ welcome to the best dang site around! Any question you have we can surely answer! Except me, but at least I'd like to say "welcome"! I predict you WILL get an answer soon! Thankfully heater season is over with!
  3. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    Hello and welcome,

    Took mine to the radiator shop. You're talking about the round heater core, right? Mine was shot and I was told that I could get a core, but it would be very expensive. Decided to try to find another used one in better condition. Then I bought the deluxe fresh air heater with the retangular type of core from a salvage yard. Haven't tested it yet, but it looks a world better than the mouse nest one I pulled from my truck. Seriously, all the seat foam was inside my old one with a couple of dessicated mouses. Best bet it to take to really good radiator shop and ask if they can get new core or possibly fix the holes in yours. Problem is the core is soldered to the frame and it is a real PIA to fix. I got the impression that my radiator shop didn't want to even try as it was not cost effective for them to take the whole darn thing apart only to have the core completely worthless, get a new core and rebuild the unit to it's frame. Tough problem. good luck. Lots of used ones out there going for sale. Make sure to ask if they have been pressure tested before buying it. These trucks only run on 4 lbs. of pressure in the cooling system, so must be pressure tested at LOW pressure.

  4. dorcutt

    dorcutt Member

    May 13, 2007
    Keep the truck in VT
    thanks for the reply
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Heater Leaks

    All good replies ! .

    Is your cooling sysytem clean ? no reddish sludge or plain water in it ? good !

    Go to FLAPS and get some " Silver Seal " - it comes in a little plastic cylindrical tube , you pour it in the radiator and drive the truck for at least 1/2 hour , it'll stop most any heater leak and will NOT plug up the core .

    Give it a try before you junk that old heater .

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