Went to my first car show where I actually had an entry today. Here is a link to the photos that I took. https://talk.classicparts.com/photos/showgallery.php?ppuser=5596&cat=500 I was a little disappointed in that they didn't have any prises beyond the club favorites. I was expecting several categories where I might sneak in but at least I won a neat toolbox as a door prize. It was more than the price of admission to I came out fine. I also got to see folks that I hadn't seen in a while including my college roomate that I hadn't seen in over 20 years. He was driving a pristine 62 vette with a 327 and a 4 speed. It was sweet. He had redone it 20 years ago and drives it regulary. He didn't even have it in the show! There were 227 cars from as far away as Mississippi, about 500 miles. I had a ton of comments (no pun intended) on my 3800. Most everyone was surprized at the length... of my bed. Everyone is use to 1/2 and 3/4 but I had a lot of folks say that they didn't even know that a 1 ton pickup existed. So, enjoy the photos. Especially the Montana police car. Remember what Memorial Day is for, Gater
Have you wiped that big grin off of your face yet? Feels good when someone tells you what an awesome ride you have, doesn't it? Looked like quite a few AD's present; yours, of course was the best looking one!
That looked like a FANTASTIC way to spend the day! I am so happy for you that you made it to this point! The world is a better place to have another well done AD rolling on it's surface!
Really like that Hudson pickup that you have pictured. There is a guy that shows up at our local Saturday Night Shine & Show with a '48 Hudson truck, tilt front end, the all-to-common 350/350, great metallic brown over cream paint and a wood bed floor that belongs in a million dollar house. Picture here: http://s4.photobucket.com/albums/y1...Niftee50ees/?action=view¤t=Image077.jpg
Thanks, guys, Yeah, I was grinin' for sure. My 12 year old seemed to enjoy it too. He saw some of his friends that he didn't know were into car shows. Bill, that is a great looking Hudson. Can you imagine what it would be like to find one of those in a barn? Nate, the old rat rod in the photo says Montana Police on the door if you look real close. Gater
Great looking Hudson ickup ! . I'm glad it was saved , even if hot rodded . I bought my old Dodge (? 1050 ?) B-1-B 1/2 ton pickup with three on the tree and fluid drive from Barlowe's Hudson in San Gabriel , it was pushed way over in the back next to Guy Barlowe's Mom's old '32 Hudson , he sold it to me for $250.00..... it was a good old truck .
Hey Gater, you've got a beeeutiful truck! What a shame that the Hudson was rodded- they are so rare and great looking to begin with-- a real piece of history. Don't they know the hood orniment on that Montana car is supposed to be a grizzly bear? Send it back here to Montana, we'll make it right!