On my 50 chevy 1/2 ton-216- i have an oil filter, i see pictures of the canister being orange and the lid being black, any reasoning for this? Is this the correct color Thanks for the input Ken
Some were dealer installed Some were installed after the fact. I have seen blue with a orange lid,yellow with a black lid,orange with a black lid. Some were made by Fram,A/C Delco,even seen a Meyers. Mine on my '54 is the gray engine color with a black lid. You can get re-pro Fram & A/C Delco stickers if you chose to redo yours.
I just posted a picture of an AC oil filter in the Members Gallery. NOS, still in its dusty original box.
Yep , lotsa colors were used , FRAM of course being orange . The color of the AC one indicated if it was factory or dealer installed and one for COE's IIRC . I know someone who actually knew made up a post a while back , should be in the archives , hopefully under " oil filter color " or other easy to find topic heading . A link to some correct pix would be nice .
Then again... Hey Ken, there's also the very sexy finned ones that Patrick's sells... Ifin' I was someone who made some money with my career, I'd have one of those faster than you can say prunes!
Oil filter colors I bought a used fram cannister and it was original orange with a black top, you tell it was original colors. I considered painting it all black to match my motor, but then thought the orange looked good, so I kept the original colors. kentc
That reminds me of an old '53 3600 Alhambra City truck I was going to bid on once (in the 1970's) ~ when I went to the inspection , it was all dusty and had been sitting for a year or two , popping the hood revealed a timeworn but nice dipper 235 that the City mechanics had overhauled at one time and had re-painted the pan blue , the cylinder block white and the rockerbox red !