I just got in a while back from walking my dogs. It's a beautiful night here- really! It's rained _every_ day for the last week and a half. Some days a bunch, some days a tad here and there, but EVERY day, something. So~ The moon's out tonight. Big and beautiful. The first thing I see when I leave my front porch is my '52 on the other side of the street. In the moonlight. Covered in dew. Reflecting God's own light off those rounded fenders... I went on with my dogs. They enjoyed the night too. Playing, running, not getting outa' hand... On our return trip I saw the same thing. My beautiful truck bathed in moonlight. I can't put into words the connection I feel with that hunk of metal. I didn't get in and slide behind the wheel tonight. I just went over and stood next to her looking at the water patterns that formed from the dew as it ran down its curved exterior. I thought about us that have one of these and see it for the beautiful design it is. I also thought about those who see these and think, "Yo- whaddafug iz dat ding? Whood be caugt dwivin a wig wike dat?" That's when I realized that I have multiple personalities, but we all agreed that, WE know what great designs these old rigs are. Bent doors, bleeding blocks, humpidy-hump-hump rideability... it doesn't matter! We are blessed to have _and love_ our old ADs.
I'll drink to that! Oh no, I can't, it's 6:15 in the morning and I'm at work. I know, I can have coffee! I agree that we are blessed and the neatest part in my opinion is that, it is not just because we own and love these old AD's but that we get to hang together and share this with each other and have a laugh, learn a lot from one another, rant every once in a while and dream. Seize the day guys!
I would have to say that you may be a bit more blessed as you are getting rain. But even with a coat of dust these trucks are the thing.
Just So ! Thanx for putting it into words . I've been working my truck all this week so every morning around 04:00 I climb in and grab that big fat ivory steering wheel and wheeze off down the road in the moonlight..... I like the wee hours of the morning , just me and the contract mail rigs and maybe a few end dump trash trucks out on the highway as I drive into and through Downtown Los Angeles , my adopted home , thence up and over Barham Pass on the 101 freeway ... Yes , life is good and driving one of these old trucks is just one more blessing on top of the rest . Now , if I can only find a pain/sleep solution...
I have a box of red liquid that has helped me from time to time... Sounds like you have a great way to enjoy the wee hours. I finally got mine around to where it will be worked over. Let the fun begin! Knowing this sites around takes the worries out. I WILL take lots of pictures, believe me! I even have my grill not more than 10 feet from my truck- in case I feel like cooking up a part or two.
Zig, Am I to understand that you are taking the Great Machine Companion out of commision to work on it for a while? Is that what you are saying? Gater
You guys that get to spend every day with your truck are the most blessed. I get to see mine every once in a while when I get time to go home to work on it. Hopefully I'll get to bring it home soon. I couldn't imagine being as far away as Ken is from his and his truck looking as good as it does. All I can do is dream of a day that I get to drive it for the first time. BTW Zig that was a beautiful mental image that you just painted about the truck. Maybe you should put it down on canvas sometime. I'm sure it would make a great peice in any of our homes.
Thanks guys~ I'll hate the fact that my truck will no longer be in front of my house where it's the first thing I see when I go out, but now it is in the "garage" area where it will be taken apart, lovingly cleaned and painted, have a T5 and new rear put in it, some lowered springs by Eaton, gas shocks, sway bar up front, disk brakes up front, converted to 12 volt with ELECTRIC WIPERS, ('cause some day my daughter will drive it.) and a dual MC for good measure. The first order of bidness is swapping the 3/4 front axle to a 1/2 ton. If they made a disc conversion that would fit a 3/4, I could save some time. But what the hey~ I gotta take the axle off to put new springs on anyway, so... Wish me luck!
Sounds great, Zig. Be careful while your are working. I think you are making some smart changes that will improve safety and your driving experience. BTW, I have been thinking. If winners never quit and quitters never win, who came up with quit when you're ahead? Gater
A question for the ages! Hey Bill, BTW, congrats to you on making the May Gallery on Stovebolt. Nice write-up and excellent pix.
Gater~ I'd have to assume this was a quitter? I've taken a BUNCH of before pictures, and will document the 3/4 to 1/2 ton swap as I go. (In case it works and others would care to do this.) So good, so far. All the nuts on the u-bolts came loose without anything special!!!
Everything I've read says to replace the U-bolt nuts everytime you take them off. And use the long nuts that are designed for the U-bolts, not just any old 1/2-20 nut. FLAPS has the U-bolt&nut sets, or can get them quickly.
dont hate,judge or look down on me... I've been over this 2 many times, and believe,me, this does NOT come to me very easily,but,.......I've came 2 the decision, .........that, if U love something soo much,........ and one day,...... U let it go,.....if it was meant 2 B,.......then,....maybe,............it will come back 2 U. And 2 U over there, BIG ZIG, I've had many of those late nights/ early mornings, where I saw, in my lil trokita, EXACTLY what U saw in yours. And everything everyone said in response, was very much so, heart felt. I'm gonna lose a part of my heart,but I GOT 2 do what I got 2 do. So, like my title says,"dont hate,judge or look down on me,please," because,I'm not changing into something else,i just got to part ways 4 a while. I've been away from loved ones B4(but there they were able to at least visit)so,....i'll just look at it that same way, when i feel like i need that ragity ride,the sound of my AOOGA horn,the rappp of those str8 pipes!! Nate...u know what i mean, i'll come back here and just catch up,or just listen. So, if u see me in here, i'm just passin through, simple HAY or CYA will do. I gotta B strong, 4 this is NOT going 2 last 2 long.(i hope) sh-t that almost sounded like song lyrics.sad ones at least. So, if any AD brothers want a new project, or just lookin for a new BEST GIRL, shes the one. She stole my heart, I KNOW she'll get yours 2....... lazy
We all have our paths~ just believe. I hear you lazy. I had to part ways witth my first love in '77. Now 30 years later, I'm starting in on rebuilding my '52. Yes the first was a 3 window, this is a 5- my fist was a 1/2, this is a 3/4. (not for long) My first had an 8-track player, this will probably have a cd. (maybe not) The thing is, once you get these in your blood, it's never to late. lord knows if you get back to owning one of these, there will prolly still be one setting in the weeds just waiting for you. You are right. You got this site to fall back on.
Thanks, Ken. I have been getting a lot of comments on the quality of the paint job and the length of the bed. I may have a normal length draft tube but I gotta long bed. Gater
Yeah~ CONGRATS!!! Way to go, Gater! I'm looking forward to seeing this. I'm shocked that big bro didn't give us the www. address. Guess I'll just have to find it on my own... Right now I gotta go mail Ken some killer tunes!