Again, I'm looking for more help. I'm installing a 700R4 into a 65 pick up this weekend, I need a transmission crossmember. Will a cross memeber out of a 70s or 80's chevy pickup fit? Thanks in advance.
70's ? Maybe. 80's ? Probably not. Is there an automatic in there now ? If yes, you can drill/grind off the rivits holding it in place and slide it back. OR,,, order the EC crossmember mentioned above. It allows you to tuck the exhaust up by running them over the crossmember. Val
Unfortunately the truck is an original 3 in the tree. I need to find a crossmember out of another truck unless I plan on building my own. Its way too expensive to get stuff shipped to Canada from the United States. Dval, you mention a 70's probably, 80's maybe not... To install a 700R4 does anyone know what OEM tranny mount will work from say 70's pick up or suburban (I've heard they fit)??? Also I need to re-route the emergency brake lines etc. from the old cross member to the new mount... does anyone have any advice on doing this?? Thanks
FYI To mount my 700R4 I tried using a transmission cross member from a 70's early 80's chevrolet BLAZER. This fit almost perfectly with little modification as I just needed to drill some mounting holes. I hear blazer gas tanks fit perfectly between rear frame rails to relocate the gas tank out of the cab. I plan on trying this next week... Cheers
Try one of these from our host 79-235,79-208 tube style crossmember. Also try cutting off the bracket on the old crossmember and welding it to the new one. My E-brake doesn't use a crossmember bracket and just clears the tubular crossmember.
Since the Blazer cross memeber fit so well, I plan on either welding the old emergency brake parts to the new blazer cross memeber or using the newer 80's style of emergency brakes and going with a custom install.
A factory automatic tranny cross member from a '64-'66 Chevy truck works very nicely. I have installed a few of them on my '64-'66 Chevy trucks, where the previous owner had done a makeshift job of a variety of different tranny cross members. I am a purist, therefore I install factory equipment, wherever possible. I see the factory auto cross members on eBay from time to time. Do a search for 1965 Chevy truck and check the search title and description box. I believe there are one or two of them on eBay right now. The are usually cheaper than the aftermarket units and are a direct bolt-in installation.