About ready to get her back on the road, and had a little question for you guys. My current heater/fan switch is a pull knob. I have seen a console w/ the three levers and was wondering if the two were interchangeable. The lever one has three cables it looks like and mine has only one. Appreciate it. Matt
Ive use to have a 3/4 ton 66 parts truck with the 3 levers like your talking about,the 1/2 ton 66 I have has the nob heater/fan it is set up different than the 3 lever one. I might be wrong but my opion is its not interchangeable.
Actually ? You can. I went from the "Thrift" heater control to the "Delux" three lever. Only two of the levers will work as one is used to control the heat/defrost. I think that that can also be made to work with a cable retainer mounted on the Thrift heater's difuser box, where there is a manual lever to go from Heat to Defrost. The blower initially only worked on HIGH speed. A new switch at the controls and some expermintal wiring at the blower got all three speeds working. But in the end it did work. I have no clue what I did to correct the wiring. I sold the truck last year. Sorry. Val
I could never sale mine sentimental value was my Dads,I know now everytime may Dad comes by to visit you can just see the pride in his eyes knowing I will never get give it up. .
The Thrift Air heater has the defrost control on the diffuser box, mounted below the dash, on the firewall. The Deluxe Air Heater/Defroster has three levers/control cables. If you want to change from the Thrift Air to the Deluxe Air, get the control panel that mounts to the dash and the under dash diffuser box, that way it is a direct swap. In either case, there is one wire through the firewall to the blower motor. I have seen the complete setup on eBay for $30.00. I have the complete setup, as well. Tony 4-5-6 Chevy Trucks