Better try calling them on the 800 number first. Something tells me they can't ship a hunk of glass that big. Val
Number is 1-800-741-1678 thats what their book says and call for approximate shipping. (64-66) tinted $224.95 plus shipping,(64-66)shaded$274.95 Unless that price has gone up some?Call and check they are good people to talk too and glad to help you with your project.
thanks guys your great. an old buddy of mine is restoring a truck that was in a flood. tree took out the glass. i'll check it out.
I had a local automotive glass shop furnish and install a new windshield in my '66 K20 and my '65 C10. I had one used factory windshield and new rubber. This cost me $80.00. The other truck needed a new windshield and I provided the rubber. This one cost $198.00, furnished and installed. The windshield was $101.00 of the $198.00 bill. I would check with your local auto glass shop. It was a lot cheaper to go direct with the glass shop on the windshield. $101.00 is much cheaper for a windshield than the $200-$225, plus shipping & handling from some of the aftermarket truck parts suppliers. Tony 4-5-6 Chevy Trucks