After 7 years, it is time for me to sell my '65 Chevy. I just cannot justify having her any longer. What I need from you guys is suggestions on where I can get top dollar for my ride. Any help would be appriciated!
If you are a Good Guys member, you can post in the classified section of the Good Guys Gazette. A monthly publication. e-Bay is pretty popular too. I don't want to throw a bucket of water on your plans, but,, this is not the ideal time to sell a vehicle, ( especially as nice as your's!), and especially given your location. I'd advise planning on "how" you will sell it, then put it on the block in late Feb, early March. Folks are getting their tax refund and you are not competing with the Holidays for buyer's dollars. FYI, my panel sold in three days in early March of this year. Best of luck, and sorry to see her go. Val
Thats to bad, but I agree with Val, wait untill spring. Take it to car shows , to parks,or just drive around with a for sale sign on it. You might also try and find your local "cruise -in" , were local car clubs meet. There is always the "clasic auto trader, and good old E bay( avoid over sea buyers) It is a nice looking truck , and it most likley will sell it self. Good luck
Wait till the Super Chevy Show. It has a car coral and the nice vehicles go fast. I think it costs about $30.00 for the weekend plus it gets you into the show.
Taking it to local car shows around your home town with a for sale sign on your truck would be a good idea.The 60 to 66 model chevy trucks are becoming a hot comity around some parts of the country.
Thanks guys. I'm going to clean up some minor odds and ends before I sell, going to begin advertising after the first of the year. Now, about an asking price . . . here's what she's got Long-bed step-side 6000 miles (since resto) 350HO GM Performance Parts Crate motor Custom Built TH350 '95 Silverado rear end with 3:07 ratio Front power discs New wheels and tires (less than 1000mi) Polished Aluminum treadplate bed floor Gas tank relocated to toolbox Custom Autosound AM/FM tuner with 6-disc changer Interior immaculate Invested - $15,000. When I built her, the intent was to make a head turner BUT a completely functional and useful truck. That's why I removed the bed wood, and I had her undercoated to drive in the rain. The problem is, this "daily driving" has left her with two or three minor "character marks" that I can touch up, but will never abolish. Also, the truck has no power steering or A/C, and I'm worried as to what I may get out of her. I doubt I will ever reclaim all $15,000. What would be a good initial asking price?
AC is not that big a factor on classic vehicles. However power steering is. Without power steering my wife wouldn't step foot into my truck and probably would have affected my purchase of her. The power steering is a small upgrade into getting a little more for your return. As long as the motor and paint look really good you should be able to get 10-12K for it.
Good good good. I'm not going below $10,000, I know that much. I think I will as $13,500, see if I can get $12,000 out of her. I haven't driven her since I made my decision . . . trying to break the habit. Boy, its tough!
Give this a try: I have sold a few of my '64-'66 Chevy trucks on this site. Good luck and hang on as long as you can. Tony 4-5-6 Chevy Trucks
Drabo, I thought you had lost your mind until I saw your location, ALASKA. In Texas we'd get out of the truck and KICK the front tires to turn right or left as long as the a/c worked good and cold.
Before I was in AK I was in Texas. I ran the 2X70 AC (2 windows down at 70 MPH) there for a few years. I didn't have any problems but then again I work outside all day.