My driveline transplant started about 6 months ago when I decided to replace my tired 292/3 in the tree with a more potent mix consisting of a freshly rebuilt 1977 350 4 bolt bottom end with flat top hypertectics, camel hump fuelie 2.02 heads ported and polished an old school edelbrock aluminum intake, cam, etc... and a more fuel conscious 700r4 with corvette internals. I did all the work myself with exception of the the transmission and machine work to the block including fabricating some custom parts to make things work. After a long highly anticipated wait, I got to hear my first motor run. AMAZING FEELING. I can't express how great it feels to hear something you built start up. Our maiden voyage went well and tonight is the adjustment to fine tune everything after the break in. Thanks to all for your help.
Congrats! I am eagerly awaiting the same on my '66 Chevy C20 Custom Camper with a transplanted '66 327 V8. Your news is causing me anxiety. I can't wait. Here is what OLRED66 looks like right now.
Thanks guys, I'm pretty proud of the truck. Funny, I started a 78 camaro z-28 original 4 speed restoration about 3 years ago and it sits in my garage because I"m having soo much fun with the truck. I'm sure the camaro will get more work this coming winter, expecially since I just found an old 427 big block for it!