Just painted my 50 chevy 216 engine with engine grey from filling station. I was expecting the blue grey that Ive seen in some photos posted however this is grey no blue about it, just passing on information to any others that may be thinking of using this paint, it really dark grey Was told it was orignal color by seller. Take care Ken
Hey Ken, i don't think that you've done bad. You've got the correct color and if you drive it, it will become the universal color anyway, "oil stained gray" Enjoy what you've got!
Thanks for the reply Ken, great to hear from you and I hope you are doing well in Tennessee! Since I had to paint it some color i figured close to original was best, just hadnt seen any grey motors pics posted - mostly blue or bluegray ones ive seen. The paint was a real nice paint just really grey. Take care and I saw your pictures of your truck work progress a few weeks back thanks for sharing them Ken
Yep ~ That's the stuff allright , grey not blue ! . Passenger 235's had a nice medium blue and then in 1963 when Chevy came out with the newfangled " thinwall " 194 , they changed the Chevy 6 Blue to a washed out blue , lots of folks think it looks greyish .
If I know Ken I think he'd rather be in tennessee than texas and playing at his mom's house with that nice truck of his.