Crumbs! I click on the photos you posted, Kevin- but they don't do anything! My eyes are to old and tired to see a bunch in a 1/2 inch picture. It looks cool from what I can see, though. I hauled my 54 frame to my hotrod buddy here in town. I got some photos of what he's workin' on~ just wait! I'll post them with what I've got going on in a few days.
I know, I've got a new camera that we took these pictures with and I can't figure out how to resize them. It takes great pictures but when you post them on here they're way to damn small. I'll try to figure it out, just bare with me a couple of days.
Sorry Kevin, time keeps on tickin', tickin', tickin~ into the future... I'm not sure I can wait two more days... Are you kidding- it takes me two days to remember how to download, pull up, and then post a picture that's WAY to big to put on as a thumbnail! Take your time, I'll be here!