My mentor! The reason my dad got into cars in 1942, the reason i got into them in '61. This is my Grandfather, Mr. Harvey Paschall. Mechanic, bodyman, farmer, all around genious, veteren, city alderman, my hero and teacher! It isn't an AD, but...I'm thinking it's a '31 Chevy.
Cool picture Ken, I love seeing original untouched pictures of the 30's and 40's. It really makes me wish sometimes I lived back then. It was a great time in history, a hard time no doubt, but very good time. Keep those pics coming.
Ahhh, back in the days... That was back when they still made crown moulding with a hand held plane and fancy plane bits. They used hand saws to cut boards (without knots) to length. They got paid peanuts, but didn't complain because they knew. They knew they were doing everything they could to make this a better world for all of us. Would anyone back then be concerned about the direction we are kicking their balls now?