While rummaging through pictures at mom's last month, I came upon this picture. Dad and I bought these fenders for $25 a pair from Mr. Futtrell, who after 50 years in the auto parts business, decided to liquidate and go fishing every day. We bought every pair of rear fender sets he had. For $300, we had 12 sets of NOS rear fenders for our beloved AD's. From 1972 through 1984, dad slowly sold them off, saving 1 pair, which will be on my '50 soon! Man, to think, I had the market cornered on AD rear fenders. If I only had them now...
DANG, DANG< and DOUBLE DOG DANG!!!! MAN, could I use a set of those!!!! I've got a great set of front fenders and a hood, but lorsy, could I use a set of those!!!!
Oops, my Bad! What I meant to say was: These are NOT cheap Chinese repops! They are the real McCoy! The real deal! The "every hole lines up like it's supposed to", kick butt all American made, genuine article!
If your like me, for each good score I've made I'll have three or four bummers. My bellweather deal happened a number of years ago when the Pate swap meet was still out by the Pate Museum. There was a man there that had three stacks of five window cab corner windows, they were in pairs and a dozen to the stack with paper still between them. Someone had scraped ice off the ones on the old shop truck with something that scratched the snot out of them. I asked what he'd take for a pair and he said a dollar apiece. I paid my two bucks and was still too dumb to make a deal but as I was walking away he asked if I'd give 20 dollars for what was left. I did and for years after that we'd put a new set in a customers truck for free so the glass would match all the new flat glass. Who'd of guessed.
Man, I am glad you took a picture. I wouldn't have believed that story without proof. I gotta hand it to you though, as yard ornaments those beat the heck out of pink flamingos! Gater
This picture still makes me sick. Guys he's definately not lying about still having a set. I saw them in person and almost brought tears to my eyes because they were so beautiful. You're a lucky man Ken.
More Wings than a chinese phone book there!! last time i saw that many wings on a fence they flew away when i took a shot at them! ________ HEALTH STORE