I noticed a few days may go by before there is any new topics or responses to current topics posted on this forum. I am a member of a number of other sites, that cater to the '60-'66 Chevy truck era. I am going to start reaching out to the members of these sites to direct some traffic to Classic Parts Talk, 1960-1966. If we all do the same, we can continue to grow the membership and knowledge, specific to the trucks of this era. If we all get one member from another site, to frequent this site, the growth would be substantial. Thanks for your help. Tony in Kansas City, KS
Tony, Better be careful with that. Some sites don't like "poaching". As you know, I'm a moderator on another site but you will never see me mention it here. It would be impolite to our hosts here and a tad disrespectful to use a site that they host, at their expense, to soliticite membership to another site. The best, and most respectful way, of doing that is through a Private Message and not on the open forums. Val
All i know is that if your a moderator on 67-72chevytrucks then ....WTF!!! if your not... Hey have a great day and remember!... jesus loves you!
Even though a few days go by before a new post comes through 60-66 form it give all of us a chance to read it and think about things for a while.As far as this form here goes I personally love it,think its better than most sites.
Val: I am not advocating poaching. I am simply saying that we all have a duty to grow this site, by increasing membership, whether by spreading the word at the local show-n-shine, cruise-in or whatever. I do not solicit members from other sites to join this one, however I will mention this site in a PM. I have met fellow stovebolters outside the front doors of the host of this site, that were not aware that there was a forum available. I visited the store on numerous occassions, before I knew about the forum, until a fellow mentioned it to me, while looking at my truck in the parking lot. In closing, I frequent many sites and discovered them in a number of ways, including members of other sites. When I visit sites, I hit them all and one doesn't detract from the other. Also, I noticed there are several members common to many of the different sites. Thanks for the concept of poaching and I will refrain from doing so. I personally, loose interest if I visit a site and there is no new posts for days at a time, but I keep coming back because I love 4-5-6 Chevy Trucks and I can't get enough. Tony
slow! I'm on a marine corps budget! need to find a good deal on a automatic crossmember that will work for my 63, either a aftermarket one or one off of another year of truck! any ideads? then I have to find a driveshaft that is either close to the size I need or have one sized, I also still have to put the blazer tank in the back! hard to do all this stuff with no power tools!
I read some where that some one used a crossmember from an 80's chevy truck. I'll try to find out where I read that.